The Department of Economic and Legal Sciences of the Kore University of Enna is divided into four fundamental degree courses: Economics and Management, Economics and Business Management, Law and Strategic and Security Sciences. For all four degree courses, the Department has registered, since the establishment of the University, a growing number of students. This is explained by several reasons: the teachings imparted are aimed not only at learning in itself (which already constitutes a value) but also and specifically at professional preparation, with constant attention to updating knowledge.
The indisputable success of the Department and of the “Kore” University as a whole is also determined by its declared and pursued international and Mediterranean vocation, aimed especially at promoting dialogue with the countries of the southern shore of the Mediterranean basin in the broadest geographical sense: from Greece to Türkiye, up to Morocco.
The degree courses offer multiple opportunities for entering the world of work. Internships carried out during the course of study allow for a first professionalizing experience. Furthermore, numerous agreements have been established with professional associations, also useful for anticipating the semester of practice during the period prior to obtaining the degree. Finally, graduates of the Faculty will be able to carry out internships at companies and firms also in the Sicilian territory, thanks to the opportunities promoted by the PASS office of the University.
The post-lauream training is mainly entrusted to the PhD in Economic, Business and Legal Sciences, and to the Higher School of Legal Professions, which carry out high-level training initiatives aimed at research and professional specialization. The Faculty also promotes high-level training initiatives such as master and specialization courses, aimed at the economic and/or legal fields.