UKE Student Mobility
Choose from partner universities for international experiences and enrich your path.
The Erasmus+ programme offers students at Kore University of Enna a unique opportunity to enrich their educational path by studying or doing internships abroad. Thanks to a network of partner universities throughout Europe, you will be able to live an international experience, improve your language skills and broaden your cultural and professional horizons.
Erasmus+, the European Union programme for Education, Training, Youth and Sport, aims to give over four million people, including students, trainees, teachers and volunteers, the opportunity to benefit from grants to study, train, teach or volunteer abroad.
Erasmus+ is part of a socio-economic context where, on the one hand, almost 6 million young Europeans are unemployed, with levels exceeding 50% in some countries. At the same time, there are over 2 million job vacancies and a third of employers report difficulties in recruiting staff with the required qualifications. This demonstrates the existence of significant skills gaps in Europe.
Erasmus+ is designed to provide concrete answers to these issues, through opportunities for study, training, work experience or volunteering abroad. The quality and relevance of European education, training and youth care organisations and systems will be increased through support for improved teaching and learning methods, new programmes and the professional development of teaching staff and youth workers, and through increased cooperation between the worlds of education and training and the world of work to address real needs in terms of human and social capital development, in Europe and beyond.
Choose from partner universities for international experiences and enrich your path.
Expand your career path with international experiences at partner universities.
Enrich your journey with unique experiences at international partner universities.
The Erasmus+ Representatives are your point of reference for all the information and assistance you need during the program. They will accompany you in every phase, from the initial orientation to filling out the paperwork, ensuring you have a simple and obstacle-free mobility experience abroad.
Erasmus Charter for Higher Education – Erasmus Policy Statement
Do you want to have friends from all over the world? Do you want to practice one or more foreign languages? Become a Buddy for an International Student.
To register, fill out the form online:
Before filling out this form we recommend that you read all the information carefully:
Vuoi vivere al massimo la tua esperienza Erasmus, ma ti manca la certificazione linguistica? Non preoccuparti! Iscriviti ora al corso gratuito di spagnolo per Erasmus!
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Explore academic and cultural exchange opportunities globally.
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