Vuoi vivere al massimo la tua esperienza Erasmus, ma ti manca la certificazione linguistica? Non preoccuparti! Iscriviti ora al corso gratuito di spagnolo per Erasmus!
The International Relations Office (KIRO) manages the processes related to the internationalization of the University. In particular, the Office provides information and administrative support to students selected within the framework of International Mobility programs (Erasmus+ study, Erasmus+ Traineeship), deals with the stipulation and renewal of international agreements and conventions for the exchange of teachers, students and technical-administrative staff, or the development of internationalization projects. It also provides for the reception of international students and guests.
The online desk is a service aimed at students to speak via video call with the staff of KIRO.
Thanks to this convenient and smart service, students can receive information and assistance as if they were going to the office's physical counter. Access the online counter.
Viale delle Olimpiadi 1, 94100 – Engineering Complex, Building E
Enna, Italy
Vuoi vivere al massimo la tua esperienza Erasmus, ma ti manca la certificazione linguistica? Non preoccuparti! Iscriviti ora al corso gratuito di spagnolo per Erasmus!
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