CAForPeS Center

Multidisciplinary Higher Education Center

UKE has established the Multidisciplinary Center for Higher Education for School Personnel (CAForPeS), accredited by Decree of the Minister of University and Research n.337 of 7 February 2024.

The Multidisciplinary Center organizes and delivers initial teacher training courses for lower and upper secondary schools, pursuant to the Prime Ministerial Decree of 4 August 2023.

As a university service structure, the Multidisciplinary Centre coordinates and organizes UKE initiatives in the field of initial and in-service training of school staff, also for research purposes, and takes care of and maintains relationships with the world of schools in general.

Initial training courses

Start your career with comprehensive and targeted training for future teachers.

Specialization course support

Specialize in school support and gain the skills to support inclusion.

In-service training courses

Update your skills with continuing education courses to enhance your educational role.

Teacher's card

The Kore University of Enna is among the institutions accredited by the Ministry for the use of the “x” for the purposes of updating and training school teachers.

Contacts and location

Center Coordinator

Prof. Marinella Muscarà, Full Professor of Didactics and Special Pedagogy (M-PED/03)


Dr. Sandra Barbagallo – Head
Dr. Erika Artabella