1- RPASinAir – Integration of Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems in non-segregated airspace for services | WALL | Prof. Antonio Esposito | Faculty of Engineering and Architecture | n.1 - Research Fellow |
2- eWAS – an early WArning System for urban heritage (Area Cultural Heritage) | WALL | Prof. Francesco Castelli | Faculty of Engineering and Architecture | n.1 - Research Fellow, n.1 - Research Grant Holder |
3- SIADD Innovative solutions for the quality and sustainability of additive manufacturing processes | WALL | Prof. Calogero Orlando | Faculty of Engineering and Architecture | n.1 - Research Fellow |
4- TARGETED TOPICS – Innovative Technologies and Models for Risk Mitigation in Critical Infrastructures | WALL | Prof. Francesco Castelli | Faculty of Engineering and Architecture | n.2 - Research Fellow |
5- Isyport – Integrated system for the mitigation of navigation risks in port areas | WALL | Prof. Francesco Castelli | Faculty of Engineering and Architecture | n.1 - Research Fellow |
6- CADS – Creating a Safe Home Environment | WALL | Professor Marinella Fossetti, Professor Francesco Castelli | Faculty of Engineering and Architecture | n.4 - Research Fellow |
7- DAVYD – Development of innovative technologies for landing gear control surfaces and actuation | WALL | Prof. Andrea Alaimo | Faculty of Engineering and Architecture | n.1 - Research Fellow |
8- AGREED – Agriculture, Green & Digital | WALL | Prof. Andrea Alaimo | Faculty of Engineering and Architecture | - |
9- GENESIS – MANAGEMENT of seismic risk for the touristic enhancement of the historical centers of Southern Italy | WALL | Professor Marinella Fossetti | Faculty of Engineering and Architecture | - |
10- LIMNADI – Multi-purpose integration of small hillside reservoirs for the laminating of floods | Ministry of Environment, Land and Sea | Professor Gabriele Freni | Faculty of Engineering and Architecture | n.3 - Research Fellow |
11- SAMANTA – SmArt MAiNTenance plAtform | MISE | Prof. Mario Collotta | Faculty of Engineering and Architecture | n.7 - Research Fellow, n.2 - Research Fellow |
12- NEWS | Sicily Region (of the Italy – Malta Notice) | Prof. Francesco Castelli | Faculty of Engineering and Architecture | n.4 - Co.Co.co, n.1 - Research Scholar |
13- I KNOW | Sicily Region (of the Italy – Malta Notice) | Prof. Raffaele Scuderi | Faculty of Economics and Law | n.3 - Research Fellow |
14- BrainHeart | Sicily Region measure 1.1.5 – PO FESR SICILY 2014/2020 | Prof. Giovambattista Presti | Faculty of Human and Social Sciences | n.3 - Research Fellow |
15- OMEGA | Sicily Region measure 1.1.5 – PO FESR SICILY 2014/2020 | Prof. Dario Ticali | Faculty of Engineering and Architecture | n.2 - Research Fellow |
16- Domotic nZeb Building System | Sicily Region measure 1.1.5 – PO FESR SICILY 2014/2020 | Prof. Antonio Messineo | Faculty of Engineering and Architecture | - |
17- BIOCLARPACK | Sicily Region measure 1.1.5 – PO FESR SICILY 2014/2020 | Prof. Marco Morreale | Faculty of Engineering and Architecture | n.1 - Research Fellow |
18- Sensorized composite pipe for hydraulic applications – TiSento | Sicily Region measure 1.1.5 – PO FESR SICILY 2014/2020 | Prof. Mauro De Marchis | Faculty of Engineering and Architecture | - |
19- CHETEC-INFRA – Chemical Elements as Tracers of the Evolution of the Cosmos – Infrastructures for Nuclear Astrophysics | European Union – Horizon 2020 | Prof. Aurora Tumino | Faculty of Engineering and Architecture | - |
20- Life skills for inclusion – Creative best practices for the socio-economic participation of vulnerable migrant women | Ministry of the Interior – ASYLUM, MIGRATION and INTEGRATION FUND (AMIF) 2014-2020 | Prof. Ugo Pace | Faculty of Human and Social Sciences | n.1 - Research Fellow |
21- STUD.IO – Sociability Through Urban Design Innovation | European Union - Erasmus Plus Call 2020 – Strategic Partnerships for Higher Education | Prof. Sergio Severino | Faculty of Human and Social Sciences | n.1 - Research Fellow |
22- RE-SERVES – REsearch at the SERvice of educational fragilitiesS (RE-SERVES)- 2017 | MIUR – PRIN 2017 | Professor Marinella Muscarà | Faculty of Classical, Linguistic and Educational Studies | n.1 - Research Fellow |
23- BIO-CHEAPER – BIomasses Circular Holistic Economy APproach to EneRgy equipments.- 20175AMKTW_003 | MIUR – PRIN 2017 | Prof. Antonio Messineo | Faculty of Engineering and Architecture | n.1 - Research Fellow |
24- Urban safety, sustainability, and resilience: 3 paving solutions, 4 sets of modules, 2 platforms – 2017XYM8KC | MIUR – PRIN 2017 | Prof. Francesco Lo Iacono | Faculty of Engineering and Architecture | n.1 - Research Fellow |
25- Urban safety, sustainability, and resilience: 3 paving solutions, 4 sets of modules, 2 platforms – 2017XYM8KC | MIUR – PRIN 2017 | Prof. Francesco Lo Iacono | Faculty of Engineering and Architecture | n.1 - Research Fellow |
26- Phonetic analysis of dysarthric speech by speakers of different varieties of Italian to develop clinical tools: objective, quantitative assessment for severity measurement, early diagnosis and rehabilitation planning, taking into account sociophonetic variation – 2017JNKCYZ_002 | MIUR – PRIN 2017 | Prof. Sabato Marco Siniscalchi | Faculty of Engineering and Architecture | n.1 - Research Fellow |
27- WEAKI TRANSIT: WEAK-DEMAND AREAS INNOVATIVE TRANSPORT SHARED SERVICES FOR ITALIAN TOWNS – 20174ARRHT_003 | MIUR – PRIN 2017 | Professor Tiziana Campisi | Faculty of Engineering and Architecture | n.1 - Research Fellow |
28- Developmental, Reproductive and Metabolic effects of Endocrine Disruptors: the DReaM-ED study – Prot. 20203AMKTW_003 | MIUR – PRIN 2020 | Prof. Federica Barbagallo | Faculty of Medicine and Surgery | n.1 - Research Fellow |
29- RETURN – multi-Risk science for resilienT commUnities under a changing climate | MUR “Innovation Ecosystems” PNRR | Prof. Francesco Castelli | Faculty of Engineering and Architecture | n.3 - Research Fellow |
30- Sicilian MicronanOTech Research And Innovation CEnter “SAMOTHRACE” | MUR “Innovation Ecosystems” PNRR | Prof. Antonio Messineo | Faculty of Engineering and Architecture | - |
31- LIFEMAP: From pediatric pathology to cardiovascular and neoplastic diseases in adults: genomic mapping for personalized medicine and prevention” | Ministry of Health | Prof. Roberta Malaguarnera | Faculty of Medicine and Surgery | - |
32- Digital Life-Long | MUR “research initiatives for innovative technologies and pathways in the healthcare and assistance sector” PNRR | Prof. Sabato Marco Siniscalchi | Faculty of Medicine and Surgery | - |
33- ATTRACT Behavioral Change 4 ERI scientists | HORIZON 2020 Third Party | Prof. Giovambattista Presti | Faculty of Human and Social Sciences | n.1 - Research Fellow |
34- Digit Innovation Fund: Virtually the same thing as in-person internships? Mapping the virtual internship landscape and exploring internal and employer experiences in the UK and Italy | UK RESEARCH AND INNOVATION fEC GRANTS STANDARD TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF GRANT (UK funding) | Prof. Giulio Pedrini | Faculty of Economics and Law | - |
35- SMARTEE-PLANTS: Smart Energy-Efficiency wastewater treatment Plants | Sicily Region measure 1.1.5 – PO FESR SICILY 2014/2020 | Professor Gaetano Di Bella | Faculty of Engineering and Architecture | - |
36- INSIDE | Presidency of the Council of Ministers | Prof. Aurelio Angelini | Faculty of Human and Social Sciences | - |
37- REMACO | Sicily Region (Extension of the Italy – Sick Notice) | Prof. Francesco Castelli | Faculty of Engineering and Architecture | - |
38- ITAMA-CAP | Sicily Region (Extension of the Italy – Sick Notice) | Prof. Salvatore Sorce | Faculty of Engineering and Architecture | - |
39- PSYCHO-PRAC – 101083067 | HORIZON 2020 ERASMUS PLUS | Prof. Ugo Pace | Faculty of Human and Social Sciences | - |
40- NOTICE 6/2022 Funding of type A researchers and research grants | Sicilian Region – funding of 15 type A researchers and 9 research fellows | Prof. Francesco Castelli; Prof. Roberta Malaguarnera; Prof. Raffaele Scuderi; Prof. Marinella Muscarà; Prof. Aurelio Angelini; Prof. Antonio Messineo; Prof. Aurora Tumino | INTERFACULTY | n.7 - Research Fellow |