Central Sicily Forensic Schools Network-Kore


The “Central Sicily Forensic Schools Network-Kore” was established pursuant to the Ministerial Decree of 9 February 2018, no. 17, by virtue of the Memorandum of Understanding signed on 17 December 2018 and updated in August 2022. The “Central Sicily Forensic Schools Network-Kore” is made up of:

  • the School of Specialization for Legal Professions of Central Sicily of Kore;
  • the Bar Associations of Caltanissetta, Enna, Gela;
  • the Forensic Schools of the above-mentioned Orders and the Nissena Forensic School Foundation.

The “Rete Scuole Forensi della Sicilia Centrale-Kore” is an educational structure that provides common teaching for graduates in Law, pursuing the specific educational objective of developing the set of attitudes and skills characterizing the professionalism of Lawyers, also with reference to the growing international integration of legislation and legal systems.

The teaching activities – both centralised at the UKE and decentralised at the Law Schools – have the sole purpose of providing adequate preparation to students for access to the qualification exam for the profession of Lawyer.

Kore University of Enna
Network Coordinator

Curreri Salvatore

Kore University of Enna
Coordinator of the network's scientific committee

Philip Romeo

Course duration and structure

The course consists of 160 hours of training activities, divided into three homogeneous semesters of 54 hours each. Each semester consists of both methodological and practical activities, including exercises and written tests, for a total of 30 hours, to be carried out at the offices of each Forensic School; and theoretical activities, aimed at practice, for a total of 24 hours, to be carried out at the UKE offices. The subjects included in the POF are those analytically indicated in the Ministerial Decree of 9 February 2018, no. 17.

Network Bodies

  1. The Steering Committee, composed of the President of the Master's Degree in Law, the Director of the SSPL, the President of the COA of Caltanissetta or his delegate, the President of the COA of Enna or his delegate, the President of the COA of Gela or his delegate;
  2. The Scientific Committee, composed of the Director and the Vice-Director of the SSPL, the President of the Master's Degree in Law, the Director of the Nissena Law School "G. Alessi", the Director of the Enna Law School, the Director of the Gela Law School, the President of the "G. Alessi Nissena Law School" Foundation, the President of the COA of Caltanissetta or his delegate, the President of the COA of Enna or his delegate, the President of the COA of Gela or his delegate;
  3. The Coordinator of the Scientific Committee is appointed by the Scientific Committee for the entire duration of the course.

Network access

The students formalize their access to the Network by paying the relevant registration fee to the Secretariat of the Law School of the Bar Association in whose “Register of Trainees” they have previously completed their registration.

Concessions for Specialists and other concessions

The specialists, without additional costs to those already incurred for registration at the SSPL, formalize access to the Network at the Secretariat of the Forensic School of the Bar Association in whose “trainee register” they have completed registration. Attendance at the courses is regulated according to the methods set out in the Ministerial Decree of 9 February 2018, no. 17. The specialists – by virtue of attending the lessons held at the SSPL – are obliged to attend only the methodological and practical activities, including exercises and written tests for one of the three semesters. The students who have successfully completed the early semester of “Forensic Internship” are exempted from attending one of the three semesters.

Regulations and programs

Regulations and programs of the Forense School: consult and download the official documents relating to academic regulations, course programs and specific guidelines. All the materials necessary to guide you in the training path.