Defense from natural risks and ecological transition of the built environment


National Coordinator
Professor Massimo Cuomo

Full Professor of Build Science (ICAR/08) – University of Catania

National College
  • Prof. Francesco Castelli
    Full Professor of Geotechnics (ICAR/07) – Faculty of Engineering and Architecture
  • Professor Gabriele Freni
    Full Professor of Hydraulic Constructions (ICAR/02) – Faculty of Engineering and Architecture
  • Prof. Giacomo Navarra
    Associate Professor of Building Science (ICAR/08) – Faculty of Engineering and Architecture
  • Prof. Antonella Versaci
    Restoration Associate (ICAR/19) – Faculty of Engineering and Architecture.

Scientific area

Area 08 – Civil Engineering and Architecture

Doctoral curricula pertaining to the Doctoral Course

Protection of the built environment from natural hazards
Infrastructure risk and protection
Hydrogeological risk and coastal protection
Protection of cultural heritage from natural hazards

The University of Enna 'Kore' is a consortium headquarters of the National Doctorate in "Defense from natural risks and ecological transition of the built environment" – XXXVIII Cycle – established in the academic year 2022/2023 with administrative headquarters at the University of Catania.
The National Research Plan 2021-2027 includes among the major areas of research and innovation the theme of “Security for social systems”, divided into the intervention area “Security of structures, infrastructures and networks”, corresponding to Cluster 3 “Civil security for Society of Horizon Europe”, which aims to contribute to the protection of the EU and its citizens from threats caused by the impact of natural and anthropogenic disasters.
The intervention intends to promote research and innovation activities aimed at implementing international directives in the field of "Disaster Risk Management", with methods consistent with the "Sustainable Development Goals" of general reference of the Plan. In particular, investments aimed at increasing resilience to natural risks (seismic, hydrogeological, volcanic) are indicated as priorities, with particular attention to critical infrastructures and urban systems.
In the Italian context there is a consolidated attention to the safety and resilience of the built environment and infrastructures. From the analysis of the context, some needs of particular relevance for the country emerge, such as the safety and robustness of the built environment, the resilience of critical infrastructures, the multi-hazard and multi-risk assessment, the analysis of complex and interdependent systems, and the strategies for mitigating the consequences.
Research in the field of safety of structures and infrastructures against natural disasters is very advanced in Italy, especially by virtue of the numerous events that have affected the country following which a complex system for risk analysis, prevention and emergency management has developed, including research institutions, territorial and national agencies. In this context, the PhD course intends to address these issues with the aim of proposing innovative solutions, compatible with the paradigms of the circular economy and the ecological transition.

PhD students

Info and insights


Kore University of Enna