Higher education center

Initial training courses

Higher education center

The Prime Ministerial Decree of 4 August 2023 establishes different types of courses, based on the different recipients, of 60/30/36 CFU.

For the academic years 2023/2024 and 2024/2025, the Initial University Training Courses may be carried out, with the exception of internship and laboratory activities, using telematic methods, in any case synchronous, even in derogation from the 20% limit provided for by Article 2-bis, paragraph 1, second period, and in any case in a measure not exceeding 50% of the total as provided for by Article 18-bis, paragraph 6 bis of Legislative Decree 13 April 2017 n. 59.

To access the final exam, a minimum attendance percentage of 70% for each training activity will be required, as required by art. 7, paragraph 7, of the Prime Ministerial Decree.

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