Pubblicati gli esiti del seminario “Prima Conferenza PRIN TEoC” del 25-26/11/2024
Human and social sciences
The course of study in “Social Sciences for Sustainable Development” belongs to Class LM-87 – Class of Master's Degrees in Social Services and Social Policies and includes a common path and two areas of specialization, divided into two curricula (A – Deviance, criminology and social policies; B – Social and territorial planning).
The course of study aims to train a specialist social worker, i.e. a figure expert in the study, management and control of social phenomena (ISTAT code: In particular, the course of study aims to train a professional figure capable of decoding the complexity of the social reality of a territory (with reference to the structures of social systems, such as populations, social groups and institutions) and of intervening for the promotion of well-being (individual and community), through the theoretical-methodological tools of social service and social policies, activating - according to the logic of sustainable development - processes of institutional responsibility in the social, economic and environmental spheres, which pursue the recognition of human dignity, equality, social, economic and political inclusion of all and social cohesion against all forms of social inequality and processes of social exclusion (social sustainability), the growth of a territory through an adequate use of economic resources available at national, regional and local level (economic sustainability), lifestyles appropriate to achieving a good quality of life of individuals and a territory (environmental sustainability), as well as the construction of peaceful communities in the
respect for human rights, including through social policies aimed at combating deviant and criminal behavior.
To this end, the course of study guarantees training in knowledge and skills pertaining to the subject of social work, expanded by transversal, multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary skills aimed at promoting technical and specialist preparation, useful elements for the exercise of the profession of specialist social worker in complex social and work contexts.
The course of study is the natural continuation and completion of the first level degree course in Social Work (L-39) and, in any case, represents an opportunity for specialization for those who have obtained the relevant qualification even in previous years and are engaged in the professional activity of Social Worker, as well as an opportunity for specialization for those who have a degree considered suitable for enrollment (see Table A3.a - Knowledge required for access and Table A3.b - Admission methods) and wish to approach the profession of specialist Social Worker, expert in Social Sciences for Sustainable Development.
The graduate in “Social Sciences for Sustainable Development” will be able to collaborate with active subjects (agencies, bodies, foundations, organizations) in the social, socio-health, health, environmental fields and with competent authorities of the territory for the design and implementation of common actions that respond to the needs of the community pursuing the three-dimensional logic of sustainable development (economic, social, environmental).
Graduates in “Social Sciences for Sustainable Development”, after acquiring the additional CFU required by the sector regulations for the various competition classes, will be able to participate in the admission procedures for training courses aimed at accessing teaching in the secondary segment of the school system.
Connect to Agenda WEB of the University of Enna “Kore” and view the timetable and classrooms of lessons and exams.
The student will carry out qualifying experiences (internships and training activities) supervised by specialist social workers (registered in Section A-“Specialist Social Worker” of the Professional Register), in relation to the planning, programming and design of social policies to combat deviance and crime, as well as sustainable social and territorial planning.
The student will carry out internships and traineeships at public and private institutions, public or private bodies, professional associations, companies, as well as any other type of institution – provided they have an agreement with the University – committed to sustainable development (social, economic and environmental).
It is specified that the Degree Course Study Plan, for each of the curricula, provides for the achievement of 12 CFU for the activities of "Internships and placements at companies, public or private bodies, professional orders", structured as follows:
For the procedures for starting and closing the internship provided for in the Study Plan, the student will refer to the UKE PASS Center (“UP”) of the University ( ).
The results will be verified through the evaluation of the reports on the internship and traineeship activities carried out.
Geraci Marika
Blandino Stefania
LM-87 | Severino Sergio | Cascino Giada | Pagaria Antonella | Di Dio Ilenia, Guttadoro Beatrice |
The Tutor has an interface role between teachers and students and takes care of, according to the general guidelines of the Dean of the Faculty and the Presidents of the Degree Courses, specific initiatives within the teaching activities of the teaching structures. Therefore, he/she carries out support activities for what concerns the optimization of learning processes: for example, he/she provides students with indications and suggestions concerning, among other things, the organization of study times, learning methodologies, planning of evaluation phases, design and drafting of the degree thesis, use of commonly used and advanced software.
Pubblicati gli esiti del seminario “Prima Conferenza PRIN TEoC” del 25-26/11/2024
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Plesso A - Cittadella universitaria
Bachelor's Degree
Prof. Sergio Severino
Dott.ssa Loredana Farina
All days: 09.00 - 12.00
Tue: 15.30 - 17.00
Thu: 15.30 - 17.00