Aggiornati i calendari degli incontri delle seguenti attività: Tirocinio III Tirocinio IV Laboratorio Area Antropologica
Classical, linguistic and educational studies
The course, which does not provide for the division into specializations, aims to promote advanced theoretical-practical training in the field of psychopedagogical, methodological-didactic, technological and research disciplines that characterize the professional profile of a teacher of nursery and primary school.
The curriculum also aims to develop theoretical and didactic training on the disciplinary areas covered by the teachings provided for by the “National Guidelines” of the MIUR for the school levels considered. Specific training is also offered for the reception and integration of students with disabilities. The course aims to promote the training of multi-skilled teachers, who know how to integrate creativity, flexibility and attention to motivating knowledge, typical of nursery school, with the disciplinary competence, which characterizes primary school.
The aim is to promote better continuity between the two levels of school, thanks to the presence of professionals who are competent in both areas. The training includes in-depth study of the subject and that connected with the most effective teaching strategies in promoting authentic learning and the development of students' scholastic motivation. Professional training concerns the management of both the cognitive aspects of learning and the affective and socio-relational ones, so that the teacher can contribute to the child's global education, in a positive classroom climate for the promotion of individual and collective well-being.
The course is divided into basic training activities for the acquisition of psycho-pedagogical and methodological-didactic skills; into characterizing training activities; into other activities (internship in schools, English language, technologies). The curriculum includes two areas of characterizing training activities: an area dedicated to the in-depth study of the contents that will be taught in the two school levels considered ("school knowledge") and a second area with teachings for the reception of disabled students. Teaching is divided into courses and laboratories; the latter allow the student to apply the knowledge acquired in the courses, in order to put him in the condition, for example, to develop teaching materials, build tools, develop reflective, critical and collaborative skills through group work and discussions.
The five-year course of study includes the training of nursery and primary school teachers and adult literacy teachers.
Connect to Agenda WEB of the University of Enna “Kore” and view the timetable and classrooms of lessons and exams.
Book a remote appointment with the course secretary. Click here to choose the date and time that is most convenient for you.
Giuffrida Sarah Maria
Agrò Asia
Martínez Maireles David
Miccichè Andrea
Lo Piccolo Alessandra
Buzzai Caterina
Romano Alessandro
Viviana La Rosa (degree course coordinator)
Adele Pellitteri (tutor)
Filippa Pollaccia (tutor)
Ilaria Marrano (student)
LM-85bis | Vivian The Rose | Eugenia Taranto | Osvaldo Napoli Spatafora, Elena Ragusa | Concetta Infantino, Calogera Rosita Avarello |
Aggiornati i calendari degli incontri delle seguenti attività: Tirocinio III Tirocinio IV Laboratorio Area Antropologica
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Plesso D - Cittadella universitaria
LM-85 Bis
Prof.ssa Viviana La Rosa
Dott. Osvaldo Napoli Spatafora / Elena Ragusa
All days: 09.00 - 12.00 / 15.30 - 17.00