The degree course in Modern Languages and Cultures at the University of Enna is aimed at those who intend to work in multicultural contexts and in the world of international relations. Great care is placed on the acquisition of linguistic skills and knowledge of the cultures expressed by the chosen languages, in particular: literature, cinema, art, philosophies and religions. The structure of the three-year course also takes into account the educational field that is focused on through the study of Language Teaching and Intercultural Pedagogy and Teaching.
The educational organization makes use of cutting-edge technological equipment and native-speaking staff from the University Language Center (CLIK), where it is possible to obtain the most important language certifications (DELE, DELF, IELTS, CAMBRIDGE, HSK, DITALS Italian L2) and study additional foreign languages free of charge in addition to those chosen.
Students who intend to enroll in the first year do not have to take the selection test. After enrollment, a mandatory assessment of entry skills is required to fill any initial educational gaps, which can be filled with specific courses organized by the faculty.
The degree course lasts three years and provides for the acquisition of 180 university training credits (CFU). It is organized into a single curriculum, within which students can choose between the European (English, French, Spanish) and non-European (Arabic and Chinese) addresses, with their respective culture and literature.
Upon enrollment, the student chooses between two European languages (English, Spanish and French) or one European language and one non-European language (Arabic and Chinese). The teaching of the two languages is developed for the entire three-year period of the course and both languages benefit from the same number of credits.
The courses of the chosen languages include preparatory, intermediate and advanced exercises and readings, in order to consolidate the student's skills. The training path is completed with the study of comparative literature, cinema, photography and television, didactic-pedagogical, historical, philological, linguistic-glottodidactic and sociological disciplines. The preparatory courses, foreseen in the Course's Teaching Regulations, are related to both languages and literatures.
The space for individual interests is carved out by students through freely chosen training activities, which allow for further broadening of the interdisciplinary horizon. The training offer is then completed by laboratory activities relating to the enhancement of Italian language skills and by further training activities and professional internships.
The choice of internship, to be carried out within a work context, allows the student to put into practice the knowledge and skills learned and to acquire transversal skills related to organizational skills, work autonomy and comparison with group work.
The final exam will verify the achievement of the proposed objectives and the critical maturity of the student.