Si pubblicano i risultati della I° prova del test di accertamento delle competenze iniziali, svoltesi in data 19 Dicembre 2024.
Human and social sciences
The Master's Degree in Clinical Psychology at the University of Enna "Kore" aims to provide students with advanced theoretical and practical training in multiple areas of clinical psychology.
The Course presents two curricular addresses: psychology of clinical intervention and criminological psychology.
For both curricular addresses, during the first year the main theoretical, methodological and practical knowledge is provided to carry out psychological assessments and interventions.
At the beginning of the second year the student will choose one of the two training curricula.
In the clinical intervention psychology program, you learn techniques useful for intervening in health promotion and in the different forms of psychological distress, while in the criminological psychology program, you learn methods useful for evaluation and intervention in the field of forensic psychology and clinical criminology.
Graduates will be able to perform highly responsible roles in organizations and in services aimed at individuals, groups and communities.
Graduates, following the qualification to practice as psychologists, will be able to carry out consultancy, diagnosis, planning, qualification and psychological rehabilitation activities in services aimed at individuals, groups and communities, in the private and public sectors (e.g., mental health centres, counselling centres, schools, courts, research institutions, socio-educational centres, non-profit organisations).
Connect to Agenda WEB of the University of Enna “Kore” and view the timetable and classrooms of lessons and exams.
Agnello Marilia
Class | Coordinator | Teacher responsible for AQ | TA Staff | Student |
LM-51 | Giuseppe Craparo | Guariglia Paola | Zarbano Angelamaria | Traina Claudio |
Students are advised that the Uke PASS office has activated a new online registration procedure for the Curricular Internship. The new procedure will allow you to download the Curricular Internship Request Form and the Curricular Training and Orientation Project (PFO) ( see internship start and end procedure ). For those who have already started the Curricular Internship or stage activity, according to the old procedure, the process undertaken will remain unchanged.
The course's teaching office is located in the Plesso di D building and is open to the public at the following times:
morning: Monday to Friday from 9:00 to 12:00
afternoon: Monday to Friday from 3:30 pm to 5:00 pm
Head of the Secretariat: Dr. Giovanni Sardisco
address email degree course:
The Tutor has an interface role between teachers and students and takes care of, according to the general guidelines of the Dean of the Faculty and the Presidents of the Degree Courses, specific initiatives within the teaching activities of the teaching structures. Therefore, he/she carries out support activities for what concerns the optimization of learning processes: for example, he/she provides students with indications and suggestions concerning, among other things, the organization of study times, learning methodologies, planning of evaluation phases, design and drafting of the degree thesis, use of commonly used and advanced software.
Si pubblicano i risultati della I° prova del test di accertamento delle competenze iniziali, svoltesi in data 19 Dicembre 2024.
Giorno 2 dicembre alle ore 10:00, presso l’aula 409 del plesso D, si terrà un incontro tra rappresentanti e studenti durante il quale verranno discussi le principali problematiche e criticità relative ai corsi di studio L-24 ed LM-51 . Verranno affrontate varie problematiche e si procederà ad una sintesi delle tematiche emerse. Tutti gli studenti […]
Si informano, gli studenti, che il test di accertamento delle competenze in ingresso A.A. 2024/25 del Corso di Laurea Magistrale in Psicologia Clinica (LM-51), si terrà giovedì 19 dicembre alle ore 11:30 presso l’aula 302 del Plesso D – Dipartimento di Scienze dell’Uomo e della Società. Il test è obbligatorio per gli studenti neo-immatricolati al […]
Si informano i Sigg. studenti, che nelle giornate di Lunedì 25 e Martedì 26 novembre presso il nostro Ateneo, si terrà la prima conferenza di progetto che si colloca all’interno delle attività della Ricerca nazionale PRIN PNRR 2022 sul tema “Territorial Ecosystems of Commons. Policies and Practices for the Integrated, Inclusive and Participatory Management of […]
Martedì 29 ottobre 2024 alle 9:30, presso l’Aula Gemelli del plesso D, si terrà il Welcome Day per le matricole del Corso di Laurea in Psicologia Clinica LM-51. La partecipazione sarà aperta anche ai giovani non ancora immatricolati e interessati al Corso. Durante la mattinata verranno presentati il corso, i docenti, la struttura e i […]
Gli studenti immatricolati nell’ a.a. 2023/2024, sono invitati a formalizzare la scelta di uno degli indirizzi previsti dal Piano di Studi, entro il 30 settembre 2024: a) Curriculum Psicologia dell’Intervento Clinico; b) Curriculum Psicologia Criminologica. Per effettuare la scelta dell’indirizzo, compilare il seguente MODULO.
Si comunica che il ricevimento previsto per mercoledì 22 maggio 2024 è spostato a mercoledì 29 maggio 2024 alle ore 12.
Plesso D - Cittadella universitaria
Bachelor's Degree
Prof. Giuseppe Craparo
Dott. Giovanni Sardisco
All days: 09.00 - 12.00
Tue: 15.30 - 17.00
Thu: 15.30 - 17.00