Graduates, having passed the state entrance exam, will be able to register with one of the national orders in Section A – Architecture Sector of the register of architects, planners, landscape architects and conservators (art.15, DPR n.328/2001); they will also be able to practice their activity and establish their professional headquarters in one of the member states of the European Union (Legislative Decree 206/2007, art.31/52-57).
Likewise, graduates of this single-cycle Master's Degree in Architecture (DM 270/04) who have passed the state entrance exam will be able to register with one of the national orders in section A – Civil and Environmental Engineering Sector of the Register of Engineers.
The main professional opportunities include, in addition to independent freelance work or in associated studios and design companies, highly responsible roles in public (Technical Offices) and private bodies, administrations for the government of the city and the territory including museums and cultural institutions (technical managers of the Protection structures), in professional studios, companies or businesses, operating in the fields of architecture, engineering and construction, recovery and restoration and in companies and institutions for real estate valuation.
Possibility of teaching in public education according to specific competition classes. In particular, professional opportunities are foreseeable in the following fields:
- Instrumental survey (topographic, laser scanner or photographic restitution – from drone shots, and/or from the ground, or by water) of buildings and two- or three-dimensional graphic restitution;
- drafting of stratigraphic documents of the elevations for historical architecture, for historical-cognitive skills and through software programs, aimed at archaeological surveys;
- ability to draw up diagnostic investigation plans (minimally destructive and non-destructive) aimed at the conservation of the structures and materials of historic buildings;
- three-dimensional modeling of architectural artefacts or movable objects;
- design and installation of interior spaces and/or temporary and permanent exhibition spaces;
- design and execution of new architectural organisms, with particular reference to the architectural quality of the work, construction feasibility, technological innovation, energy saving, procedural issues at the Technical Offices of the Public Administration, with access to roles through the current forms of public recruitment, or for private and/or public clients;
- restoration of both ordinary and minor historical and monumental building heritage in relation to the protection of historical-cultural values, the redevelopment and enhancement of building organisms, the conservation and recovery of construction elements and materials, for which the project and works management involves the figure of the Architect and the Civil Engineer
- architect is the only one qualified in Italy;
In this area, the figure may have access to managerial roles for technical figures in public protection structures, for access to which a degree qualification post-degree in the specific discipline is required (PhD, Specialization School, Master II level in the specific area);
- structural design and calculation;
- urban planning and design in relation to the dynamics of transformation of the city and in relation to the recovery of degraded urban areas (drafting of Regulatory Plans, Landscape Plans, Recovery Plans and Strategic or Operational Plans);
- technological design with reference to the quality of the building product as well as to the construction process, both traditional and industrialized, as well as to all recent technical construction methods aimed at environmental sustainability and energy saving (Energy certification of existing buildings and design for energy sustainability);
- organization and control of the executive phases, to the control of all the phases of the construction site in order to ensure the correct correspondence between design and production (figures of the Works Management, the Construction Site Assistant, the Construction Site Technical Director, the Construction Site Operations Director) and finally to the design of safety plans both in the design and construction phases (through the achievement of a specific qualification that can be obtained in the Degree Course through two optional, qualifying and equivalent courses to the required qualifying courses, plus 1 year of attendance at the construction site);
- economic and appraisal evaluation of existing complexes and architectural and real estate enhancement projects with possible outlets at real estate companies, or through the carrying out of appraisals by potential private clients (estimates for asset valuations for successions, sales, etc.), with updates on the new integrated building project evaluation processes (BIM and HBIM);
- consultancy and expert reports in the event of disputes as experts at the Courts and/or as party experts;
- consultancy activities for software designers for Architecture and construction; Graduates who have sufficient credits in appropriate sector groups will also be able, as required by current legislation, to participate in the admission tests for training courses for secondary school teaching.