Language proficiency
The readings required to take the speaking test are published on which can be accessed after registration. To register, send an email to Please note that the readings are differentiated by type of degree course and number of CFU assigned to the test.
Exam mode
Starting from the first session of the academic year 2020/2021, the language proficiency exams (English language) will take place according to the methods indicated in the following files.
All students from previous academic years are invited to view the following preparation materials, divided according to the number of CFU of their course of study.
Credit recognition
Students who have language certifications, obtained no more than three years ago, not lower than level B1 of the CEFR (Common European Framework of Reference for the teaching and learning of languages of the Council of Europe), issued by accredited certification bodies, can request that they be recognized as having credits assigned to the aptitude test in the study plans of their respective degree courses. The certifications must be presented at the time of enrollment, in accordance with the provisions of Art. 14 paragraphs 1 and 2 of the current University Teaching Regulations.
The certifications, even if higher than B1, do not automatically give the right to the recognition of credits and the Language Centre reserves the right in any case to verify the authenticity of the certifications and the skills actually possessed, and will quantify the recognitions in compliance with the provisions of art. 12, paragraphs 9 and 10, and art. 14, paragraph 4, of the University Teaching Regulations.
Students who request validation of the certification they possess will be notified of the parts or the residual part of the exam to be taken in order to pass the language proficiency test, provided for in the study plan of the respective degree course.
Simple certificates of attendance of language courses held in Italy or abroad, including those that provide generic checks of the skills acquired, do NOT constitute a recognisable qualification.
Entry test
The entry test is a preliminary test to assess the level of knowledge of the English language that all students who will attend an English language proficiency course are subjected to. It is a mandatory test for all.
The test tests the four skills of Writing, Listening, Reading, and Use of English and is calibrated to level B1 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR).
The Writing test consists of a text of approximately 80-100 words in English. Possible topics that may be asked in the writing test include (but are not limited to) a short informal letter or email to a friend about an assigned topic, or a (semi)formal letter to an employer expressing interest in a job or a written response to an advertisement in a magazine, for example.
The Reading test consists of a text of approximately 200-250 words followed by text comprehension exercises, including, for example, true/false, multiple choice, fill in the blanks.
The Listening test involves listening to a passage of approximately 15 minutes, followed by comprehension exercises such as true/false, multiple choice, fill in the blanks.
The grammar test, or Use of English, involves answering approximately 20 questions.
The test has a total duration of approximately 1 hour and 30 minutes.
Lessons and exams
Check the calendar regularly to stay updated on dates, times and assigned classrooms. Any changes will be promptly communicated through the official channels of the university.