Our country is characterized by high seismicity with an urban fabric not adequate to absorb even low and media intensity earthquakes. In this context, the study of seismic risk represents one of the most important and current issues for the protection of human lives, structures and infrastructures, and the natural and cultural heritage of which our territory is rich.
The presence of laboratories with high-tech instrumentation is essential for the study of seismic risk and strategies for its mitigation, as they play a fundamental role in understanding the phenomena related to the response of structures to earthquakes. They allow for the validation of analytical calculation models and qualification of equipment with advanced technologies, which can improve the performance of structures under seismic stresses.
Based on these considerations, through a PON R&C 2007-2013 funding – Axis I “Support for structural changes” a center equipped with large scientific equipment and instruments in the field of seismic engineering and experimental dynamics called LEDA Research Center – Laboratory of Earthquake engineering and Dynamic Analysis was created at the Faculty of Engineering and Architecture of the University of Enna “Kore”, a center named LEDA Research Center – Laboratory of Earthquake engineering and Dynamic Analysis. Since the effects of an earthquake and in general of vibrations can be studied in an experimental laboratory through two complementary approaches: