Structures Laboratory
The laboratory
The set of equipment present in the Structures Laboratory of the LEDA research center allows for effective cooperation between professors, students and technicians, with the possibility of developing new studies and research aimed at preparing degree theses, Master theses and doctoral theses, as well as the drafting of scientific publications, also in collaboration with other Italian and foreign universities and research institutions.
In addition to the internal activities of the University, given the high seismicity that characterizes our area, the studies carried out at the Laboratory of Structures can provide a significant contribution to the scientific development of our nation in the field of seismic risk mitigation. It is in fact known that one of the fundamental problems for the mitigation of seismic risk concerns the research of risk conditions and interventions aimed at minimizing their impact, such as the construction of new buildings with anti-seismic criteria and the reduction of the seismic vulnerability of existing buildings. This research has allowed a notable evolution of the criteria for designing and building structures over time. However, the real "test" of the quality of the new numerical calculation and construction methods occurs only in the presence of an earthquake. Since it is not possible to wait for real seismic events to have a clearer understanding of structural behavior in the presence of an earthquake, it becomes essential to carry out simulations and obtain answers through the experimentation of appropriate models even on a large scale.
The research
The main research lines of the LEDA Research Centre's Structures Laboratory are in the field of seismic risk mitigation of existing building heritage and in the field of seismic design of new structures and infrastructures according to innovative technologies and criteria, with the possibility of performing combinations between complex numerical analyses and advanced experimental investigations also on full-scale samples.
The main lines of research can be grouped into the following thematic areas:- Safety assessment and monitoring of existing bridges, viaducts and tunnels.
- Innovative devices and materials for civil engineering and enhancement of the characteristics of conventional materials.
- Highly ductile structural systems.
- Reliability of performance of structures and infrastructures under seismic actions.
- Methods and applications for the assessment of seismic vulnerability of existing structures and infrastructures at different scales: single structure and urban.
- Innovative techniques and materials for seismic reinforcement of existing structures and infrastructures.
- Monitoring and control systems for existing structures and infrastructures.
- Design, modeling, identification of isolation and/or energy dissipation techniques in the field of seismic retrofitting and new construction.
- Evaluation of the requirements set out in the technical regulations for the emerging class of highly energy efficient buildings.
- Theoretical studies. Development of advanced numerical models, mainly through the finite element method; analytical formulations of specific problems; writing of functional algorithms with appropriate programming languages; design of computational tools for the resolution of specific structural analyses. Numerical procedures and analytical formulations can be validated through the comparison between different theoretical methods or through the comparison with the results obtained from experimental tests.
- Experimental studies in pseudo-static field. Execution of experimental tests on materials, structural elements and full-scale structures, applying load or displacement histories, in monotonic and cyclic field, in order to simulate actions including seismic, or distortions and displacements of a magnitude greater than those of normal operation. Since the tests are conducted in pseudo-static field, the response of the material or structure can be observed and accurately measured even in phases subsequent to that which calls for maximum resistance.
- Experimental studies in the pseudo-dynamic field. Execution of experimental tests on full-scale components and structures. As is known, hybrid experimental-numerical testing methods allow to obtain the dynamic response of a structure subjected to seismic actions without resorting to shaking table tests. The research consists in the optimization of test set-ups in order to perform tests at the LEDA Laboratory, with particular reference to the development of continuous pseudo-dynamic tests and hybrid tests with substructure.
Some scientific studies and research under agreement, on behalf of third parties or financed on the basis of competitive tenders Below are some of the main research activities supported by the Structures Laboratory of the LEDA research centre under agreements (or on behalf of third parties):
- Research Agreement with the FABRE Consortium for the development of studies and research with reference to the issues related to the assessment of the structural risk of bridges, viaducts and existing works of road and railway infrastructures.
- International Research Agreement with the University of Kassel in Germany and for the promotion of study topics concerning theoretical-experimental studies on the cyclic behavior of XLam buildings.
- GENESIS Project – GEstioNE of SISmic risk for the touristic enhancement of the historic centers of Southern Italy (Lead Project: University of Chieti-Pescara), co-financed by MIUR, using PON and FSC funds – Industrial research projects and experimental development in the 12 areas of specialization identified in the PNR 2015-2020, Notice no. 1735 of 13/07/2017.
- Research Agreement with the company Rotho Blaas srl for the development of an industrial research project in the context of theoretical-experimental studies on innovative connection models for load-bearing panels of wooden structures.
- CADS Project – Creation of a Safe Home Environment (Leader: EUCENTRE Foundation of Pavia), co-financed by MIUR, using PON and FSC funds – Industrial research projects and experimental development in the 12 areas of specialization identified in the PNR 2015-2020, Notice no. 1735 of 13/07/2017.
- Research Agreement with the company Val di Chienti SCpA for the development of an industrial research project in the field of structural rehabilitation and reinforcement of existing road infrastructures.
- Research Agreement with the company MAPEI SpA for the development of an industrial research project in the field of structural rehabilitation and reinforcement of existing buildings through the use of innovative materials.
The LEDA Research Center's Structures Laboratory is equipped with high-tech instruments with unique international features that make it possible to carry out experimental investigations even on full-scale structures.
Below are shown some of the equipment present in the Structures Laboratory for each of the sections already exhibited in the Laboratory presentation section.
External services
The LEDA Research Center's Structures Laboratory employs highly qualified technical and scientific personnel and specific skills useful for solving a wide range of civil engineering problems. The Laboratory is equipped with advanced calculation software and high-tech equipment with which it is possible to carry out a wide range of numerical and experimental applications in the field of structural and seismic engineering.
Below is a list of possible tests that can be performed on third-party routine tests, research agreements and specialist consultancy.
Customer portfolio and agreements
- ANAS SpA (National Autonomous Road Company), Regional Directorate
for Sicily, Via Alcide De Gasperi, 247, Palermo, Italy; - Anti-Seismic Innovative Solutions and Materials (ASISM) Srl Spinoff
Academic, Mediterranean University of Reggio Calabria, Italy; - Hitachi ABB Power Grids Italy, Via Vittor Pisani, n.16, Milan, Italy;
- Hitachi ABB Power Grids Sweden, Lyviksvagen, 4, Dalarnas Lan Ludvika,
Sweden; - Italian Institute of Technology (IIT), Via Morego, 30, Genoa, Italy;
- National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology (INGV), Via di Vigna Murata
605, Rome, Italy - Monsud SpA, Industrial Area Via Pianodardine, Avellino (AV), Italy;
- Powezrflex Srl, Via Campitiello, 6, 82030, Limatola, Benevento, Italy.
- Trench Italia Srl (Siemens Group), Strada Curagnata, 37, Cairo
Montenotte, Italy; - Trench France SAS (Siemens Group), 16. Rue du Général Cassagnou,
Saint Louis, France; - Somma International Srl, via Carlo Mirabello, Rome, Italy;
Contacts and where we are
Marinella Fossetti
The Structures Laboratory is located within the LEDA Research Center in the Santa Panasia Scientific Center of the University of Enna “Kore”.