Geotechnics and Earth Dynamics Laboratory
The laboratory
The Geotechnical and Soil Dynamics Laboratory represents, in the national panorama, a laboratory of excellence, equipped with all the equipment for standard tests for the physical and mechanical characterization of soils and rocks, but also with sophisticated equipment for carrying out tests under cyclic and dynamic load conditions, essential for characterizing the mechanical response of soils in seismic conditions.
The Geotechnical and Soil Dynamics Laboratory, with a surface area of approximately 400 m2, is located on the ground floor of the KORE PLATFORM, a recently constructed building that houses some laboratories of the Faculty of Engineering and Architecture, at the headquarters of the new scientific and technological center of Santa Panasia in Enna. The laboratory offices, dedicated to the administrative part, are located in the same building.
The laboratory's activity is aimed at carrying out experimental tests on soils and rocks to be performed on behalf of third parties and is therefore closely connected to the construction of civil engineering and land protection works. The main clients are mainly companies and public administrations for the design and construction of large-scale works. In addition, the laboratory carries out teaching and research activities for students during internships, degree theses and doctoral research.
The Laboratory employs highly specialized personnel who provide consultancy in studies for the geotechnical characterization of soils for static, cyclic and dynamic stresses, for the study of landslide phenomena, for the prediction of the behavior of significant or strategic works and infrastructures (dams, bridges, road, port and railway infrastructures) and, finally, for the execution of all laboratory tests necessary for the definition of soil behavior.
The research
The laboratory carries out teaching and research activities for students during internships, degree theses and PhD theses. In the context of several research projects for which the University of Enna Kore is partner or leader, laboratory tests have been carried out for the dynamic characterization of soils and for the study of the mechanical behavior of partially saturated soils.
- MIUR – Department for University, Higher Education in Art, Music and Dance and for Research – General Directorate for the Coordination and Development of Research – NATIONAL OPERATIONAL PROGRAM FOR RESEARCH AND COMPETITIVENESS 2007-2013 for the Convergence Objective Regions (Campania, Puglia, Calabria, Sicily) – Axis I: “Support for Structural Change” (Operational Objective “Strengthening of scientific and technological structures and equipment – Action: structural strengthening”). Project PONa3_00374 – University of Enna “Kore” Laboratory “LEDA Laboratory of Earthquake engineering and Dynamic Analysis” (Years 2011-2014).
- MIUR – Department for University, Higher Education in Art, Music and Dance and for Research – General Directorate for Coordination and Development of Research – NATIONAL OPERATIONAL PROGRAM FOR RESEARCH AND COMPETITIVENESS 2007-2013 for the Convergence Objective Regions (Campania, Puglia, Calabria, Sicily) – Smart Cities and Communities and Social Innovation (Axis and Objective: Axis II – Integrated Action for the Information Society – Area: Cloud Computing Technologies for Smart Government). PON04a2_A Project “PRISMA – Interoperable Cloud Platforms for SMArt-Government” (Years 2012-2015).
- MIUR – Department for University, Higher Education in Art, Music and Dance and for Research – General Directorate for Coordination and Development of Research – NATIONAL OPERATIONAL PROGRAM FOR RESEARCH AND COMPETITIVENESS 2007-2013 – Smart Cities and Communities and Social Innovation (Axis and Objective: Axis II – Integrated Action for the Information Society). Project SCN_00451 “CLARA – CLoud plAtform and smart underground imaging for natural Risk Assessment” funded at the University of Enna “Kore” (Years 2014-2019).
- MIUR – Ministry of Education, University and Research – PON RESEARCH & INNOVATION 2014-2020 pursuant to Notice no. 1735 of 13 July 2017, for “Industrial Research and Experimental Development Projects in the 12 areas of Specialization identified by the PNR 2015-2020”. Project ARS01_00926 “eWAS – An early warning system for cultural heritage” (Years 2018-2020).
- Sicilian Region Regional Programming Department Service V “European Territorial Cooperation – Direct Funds” using the resources of Priority Axis III of the INTERREG V – A Italy Malta programme CUP code: J71I18000070002 – Public Notice 1/2016 for the submission of cooperation projects with a “one step” procedure. Project C1-3.2-60 “NEWS Nearshore hazard monitoring and Early Warning System” (Years 2018-2020).
- MIUR – Ministry of Education, University and Research – Industrial Research Project and non-preponderant Experimental Development – Specialization Area “Smart Secure & Inclusive Communities” notice 1735 of 13 July 2017 PNR 2015-2020, Project ARS01_00158 TARGETED TOPICS – Innovative Technologies and Models for Risk MITigation in Critical Infrastructures. (2019 – 2022).
The Laboratory's activity is aimed at carrying out experimental tests on soils and rocks to be performed on behalf of third parties. The Geotechnical Laboratory applies the rates set out in the Third Party Testing Fee List approved by the Council of the Faculty of Engineering and Architecture, which can be consulted at its offices. The rates include the execution of the tests, the processing of experimental data and the related certification.
The Third Party Testing Fee Schedule provides for the possibility of percentage reductions in unit prices in relation to the number of tests requested or in the case of services of particular interest from a scientific and engineering point of view.
Contacts and where we are
Laboratory Manager
Prof. francesco Castelli
Activities Manager
Prof. Valentina Lentini
Science and Technology Center of Santa Panasia, 94100 Enna EN