Innovative Technologies for Engineering and the Built Environment


The PhD in “INNOVATIVE TECHNOLOGIES FOR ENGINEERING AND THE BUILT ENVIRONMENT” offers the possibility of in-depth study and participation in cutting-edge research in the field of Intelligent Systems and is divided into three areas that correspond to a subdivision between Computer Engineering, Aerospace Engineering and Civil Engineering and Architecture. However, this partitioning does not preclude interdisciplinary research projects, which are strongly encouraged. The objectives of the PhD are oriented towards advancing knowledge in the field of industrial and social innovation in the country with the aim of creating professional figures who can contribute to the advancement of innovation and the competitiveness of the production system through the creation of cultural profiles in the following fields: 1) Artificial Intelligence; 2) Speech and Image Processing 3) AI for Health, 4) Human-centric AI, 5) Smart mobility, 5) Infrastructure Networks and Transport Infrastructures, 5) Intelligent Systems in Aerospace Structures and Systems, 7) Intelligent Systems for the Architectural Design of Eco-sustainable (green) Structures. The training activity of the course includes paths aimed at transferring knowledge on specific topics of Computer Engineering, Aerospace Engineering and Civil Engineering and Architecture, to train highly specialized figures able to address complex research and/or applicative issues.

Due to the interdisciplinary nature of the topics, the doctorate is organized into distinct training paths (curriculum) with general courses during the first year and specialized courses in the second and third. The training is completed by continuous experiences at the University laboratories, where there are skills, personnel and instruments capable of supporting the doctoral students, as well as with research periods at both Italian and foreign universities and research centers. In relation to the teachings provided for by the training path of each curriculum of the course (1. Computer Engineering – 2. Aerospace Engineering – 3. Civil Engineering and Architecture), the Teaching Board plans the activation of the teaching modules in relation to the number of CFU estimated (equal to 65 – 2 hours for 1 CFU) and to be divided into the three years of the doctorate.

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PhD students

Announcement, deadlines and documents