Contexts, environments and lifestyles for health and well-being
The pursuit of well-being, in a holistic sense, represents a key principle of the socioeconomic development of advanced countries, and is certainly central to a perspective of fair and sustainable welfare. The PhD in “Contexts, environments and lifestyles for health and well-being” reinforces a vision that considers health as a basic dimension of individual well-being, the result of a harmonious and sustainable development of the human being, nature and the environment, promoting, in this sense, the application of a multidisciplinary, intersectoral and coordinated approach, which involves the sciences of movement and sport, psychological sciences and social sciences. Moreover, the domain of health is considered a priority in all scientific evidence that addresses the issue of measuring fair and sustainable well-being, considering its impact on all dimensions of people’s lives throughout their existence. Sustainability represents a global vision of life, a strategy that is articulated at different levels: a form of development that is not only economic, but also social, in which general well-being represents the goal to be achieved, through a cultural ability to involve and convince communities towards the creation of new lifestyles. In this direction, the PhD project is also consistent with several objectives of the overall PNNR strategy, with more particular reference to Mission 5. Therefore, the related training path will have to deepen the methodological principles necessary for the development of innovative research, capable of impacting the complex and multifactorial theme of well-being – wellbeing, exploring its possible application implications in all formal, informal and non-formal life (and learning) contexts; in the planning and use of environments and spaces, both public and private; on the lifestyles that distinguish our society, with a constant “look” directed at the new needs that determine changes, growth and more generally at the new needs that determine changes, growth and more generally at new scenarios. The promotion of human well-being, in fact, also requires a social responsibility that guarantees a fair balance between the aim of collective economic growth and the aim of the quality of life of individuals, through actions that also affirm the political, social and cultural rights of people, preventing and combating all forms of inequality and discrimination, to achieve equity in society (social sustainability), allowing everyone to best express their individuality.