Economics, Business and Legal Sciences
The PhD in “Economic, Business and Legal Sciences” pursues the advancement of scientific knowledge, through training in basic and applied research, and provides the skills necessary to carry out highly qualified research activities in public and private entities, as well as useful both for the exercise of liberal professions and for the integration of highly innovative professional paths, consistently with the methodological characteristics that distinguish CUN Areas 12 and 13 (Ministerial Decree 8 February 2013, n. 14, art. 1; Ministerial Decree 14 December 2021, n. 226, art. 1).
It contributes to the creation of the "European Higher Education Area" and the "European Research Area" as well as to the pursuit of the "Sustainable Development Goals" (UN) and the goals indicated in the 2030 Agenda for "Sustainable Development and their declinations in European policies". It promotes the study, research and development of knowledge – including applied – legal-economic sectors, through the enhancement of interdisciplinarity, membership of international networks and intersectorality as per the PNRR.
The PhD focuses on the problematic issues that both institutional, economic and legal systems and businesses face in the new global scenario, characterized by European economic and monetary integration, as well as the emergence of new economic and political powers in a context that is also, if not above all, extra-European. The Course takes place in a culturally stimulating institutional environment that – through a quality assurance system distinct from that provided for the first and second cycle of university education – allows PhD students to develop critical autonomy and scientific responsibility, useful for structuring their subsequent professional path; and also promotes interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary training opportunities – given the dual characterization of the training offer plan – in non-academic fields, such as Public Administration, services and cultural institutions, through the involvement of experts in the sector in the related training activities.
The presence of language and computer laboratories both in the Faculty of Economics and Law and in the University Library – both freely accessible to students – as well as a study room reserved for the Doctorate, ensures the full sustainability of study and research activities. The research activities comply with the relevant European and national environmental legislation; they are oriented towards respect for equal opportunities and non-discrimination, as well as promoting accessibility for disabled people. The modular teaching plan ensures the provision of the area teachings necessary for training in research methodology as well as scientific-cultural integration in the economic and legal sectors. The articulation of the relative modules and seminar activities in the three-year period guarantees: the development of interdisciplinary knowledge and transversal scientific skills consistent with the scientific-cultural profile of the European researcher-professional, in both the economic and legal fields; the acquisition of skills and methodological tools for the autonomous exercise of scientific research activity; the ability to conduct critical analysis, evaluation and synthesis of ideas and processes in research institutions, in the production system, in the Public Administration and in the liberal professions. In particular, the modular teaching of Area 12 and 13 – as well as other teaching, seminar and laboratory activities – are concentrated in the first and second year of the Doctoral Course.
Once the skills in scientific research and critical analysis of sources and data have been acquired and further developed, the doctoral students then dedicate the third year to the final development of the research project and the preparation of the doctoral thesis. In any case, the participation of the doctoral students in all the activities of cultural study and scientific dissemination – of the results, even intermediate ones, of the individual research project – organized within the teaching calendar of the Doctorate throughout the three-year period is encouraged.