The UKE QUID Centre (Quality and Innovation in University Teaching) is part of the Kore Teaching and Learning Center and responds to the need to make the planning and implementation of in-service training activities for university teachers structural with the aim of making the student-centred approach to learning and teaching concrete and continuously nourished, as outlined in the document Standard and The Standards and guidelines for quality assurance in the European Higher Education Area (Yerevan 2015), acronym ESG 2015.
The Centre ensures a permanent mission line for the training of professors, researchers and contract teachers working at the University, capable of planning, generating and carrying out regular training activities in the fields of teaching methodology and technologies and the assessment of learning in the university environment, as well as on the principles and criteria of programming and control of teaching and learning processes in compliance with the ESG 2015.
The UKE QUID Centre operates for the entire University within the Department of Classical, Linguistic and Educational Studies, which ensures the organization of its training activities. Given the impact on the service of all teachers, the responsibility for planning and implementing the activities of the QUID centre is entrusted to a committee composed of the Directors of the Departments active in the University, coordinated by the Director of the Department of Classical, Linguistic and Educational Studies.
Contacts and staff
Prof. Marinella Muscarà, Director of the Department of Classical, Linguistic and Educational Studies Prof. Francesco Castelli, Director of the Department of Engineering and Architecture Prof. Roberta Malaguarnera, Director of the Department of Medicine and Surgery Prof. Adriano Schimmenti, Director of the Department of Human and Social Sciences Prof. Raffaele Scuderi, Director of the Department of Economic and Legal Sciences
Administrative Manager
Dr. Osvaldo Napoli