Master Level I

Expert in the safety management system at work


The aim of Master is to transfer skills in the field of prevention and management of safety in the workplace, integrating them with the most innovative technologies on the market, in order to transform the activities of the safety expert from a mere executor to a managerial and management role, providing the tools to be able to create financial reporting plans for expenses allocated to the safety area, to be able to design effective training interventions, to exploit existing technologies (training platforms, virtual reality, role playing, etc.) to encourage the birth of a culture of safety as a tool for prevention and participation. The students will acquire, in addition to the basic elements for the assessment of specific risks and the management of a safety system, the fundamental notions for the creation of a financial plan, and the evaluation of funding calls relating to the study topics.

The Master course is aimed at training professional figures with operational and management skills as well as strong skills and competences in workplace safety management systems, both mandatory (Drafting a Risk Assessment Document, emergency plans, specific risk assessments) and voluntary such as UNI EN ISO 45001: 2018. The activities related to risk assessment with appropriate practical exercises allow the training of a technician with transversal skills capable of independently carrying out assessments relating to the most common specific risks (microclimate, chemical and biological risk, electrocution, electromagnetic radiation, etc.).

Career opportunities

The introduction to project management trains a professional with a managerial vocation able to work towards objectives by applying risk-based thinking to all work processes. The professional profile (compliant with the European EQF Framework) will have the skills, knowledge, abilities and experiences that will allow him to manage in an integrated way the different HSE (Health Safety & Environment) areas within a given organization in terms of design, implementation, promotion, coordination, control and technical support of processes related to health, safety and the environment, with the aim of contributing to the overall efficiency of the organization.


Kore University of Enna

Ticali Dario

Scientific Committee

The Scientific Committee is composed of:

  • Prof. Dario Ticali (UKE) Associate Professor of Roads, Railways and Airports
  • Prof. Francesco Castelli (UKE) Full Professor of Geotechnics
  • Prof. Gabriele Freni (UKE) Full Professor of Hydraulic Constructions
  • Dr. Antonio Brancè
  • Dr. Eng. S. Martino

Announcement and regulations

Application for admission

The application for admission to Master, addressed to the Rector of the University of Enna “Kore”, drawn up exclusively online at the University address web, must be presented or sent to the University Protocol Office, Via delle Olimpiadi n. 4 – Cittadella Universitaria, 94100 Enna, under penalty of exclusion, no later than 11.59 pm on 24 January 2025

question online

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