Engineering and architecture
The Interclass Master's Degree Course (LM/23-LM/35) entitled “Management and protection of territorial and environmental resources” – “Engineering for Civil Infrastructures Management and Sustainable Protection of the Environment” aims to train technicians capable of designing, planning, designing and managing systems, processes and services that present particular complexities or that require an interdisciplinary approach. The Master's graduate will have knowledge in the field of protection and management of built and environmental heritage, business management and project evaluation, knowing how to communicate effectively even in an international context. The aspects related to technology transfer, high-level training and knowledge-intensive activities are not secondary.
Graduates of the Master's Degree will be able to find employment opportunities in the national and international labor market in professional firms, engineering companies and professional firms, independently or in association with interdisciplinary design groups. Public administration, bodies responsible for land protection. Concessionary companies, companies and consortia for the management and control of technological networks. Businesses and service and consultancy companies. Large industrial groups that own or manage critical infrastructures, technological plants, large industrial plants.
Thanks to the synergies determined by the “Territorial Agreements for Higher Education for Businesses” with some fundamental realities of the economic and productive fabric of the Sicilian Region, graduates will have a probable placement in companies that operate on the market through quantitative analyses of the value of the environment and its ecosystem services, in the protection and safeguarding of natural areas, in the protection from risks, in the recovery and remediation of heavily anthropized areas.
Like all master's graduates of the class, the students of the course will be able to access the order of Engineers, after passing the state exam and registering in the register, and therefore carry out the professional activities provided for by current legislation.
Connect to Agenda WEB of the University of Enna “Kore” and view the timetable and classrooms of lessons and exams.
Accreditato da parte del Ministero dell’Università e della Ricerca il Corso di laurea in Gestione e protezione delle risorse territoriali e ambientali – LM-23 & LM-35 – con sede Enna – Decreto Rettorale 99/2024.
Plesso I - Polo scientifico e tecnologico di Santa Panasia
LM23 - LM35
Bachelor's Degree
Prof.ssa Mariangela Liuzzo