Economics, Business and Legal Sciences
The PhD in “Economics, Business and Legal Sciences” aims at high and qualified training, through the provision of the skills necessary to carry out basic and applied study and research activities in public and private entities; as well as useful both for the exercise of liberal professions and for the integration of highly innovative professional paths. And it contributes to the creation of the “European Higher Education Area” and the “European Research Area” as well as to the pursuit of the “Sustainable Development Goals” and the goals indicated in the 2030 Agenda for “Sustainable Development and their declinations in European policies”.
The PhD focuses on the problematic issues that both institutional systems and businesses face in the new global scenario, characterized by European economic and monetary integration, as well as by the emergence of new economic and political powers in an also extra-European context.
The modular teaching plan ensures the provision of the area teachings necessary for the methodological training of and scientific integration in the economic and legal areas: interdisciplinary knowledge and transversal scientific skills, consistent with the scientific profile of the European researcher-professional; skills and methodological tools for the autonomous exercise of scientific research activities; ability to conduct critical analysis and synthesis of ideas and processes in research institutions, in the production system, in the Public Administration and in the liberal professions.