XXXIX cycle

Educational processes in heterogeneous and multicultural contexts


The doctoral course aims to train highly qualified third-level figures capable of conducting/performing scientific research in the educational field in public and private entities; to contribute to the scientific debate starting from interdisciplinary perspectives for the development of theoretical paradigms and application models, aimed at countering phenomena of social exclusion and promoting equal opportunities in complex, heterogeneous and multicultural societies. Particular attention is paid to the problems that formal, non-formal and informal educational agencies and complex organizations (bodies, companies in the public and private sectors) are called to face in the new international scenario, characterized by profound socio-cultural, economic, political and geopolitical transformations. The doctoral course integrates in a systemic perspective three macro disciplinary areas (psychological, pedagogical and linguistic-literary) and different theoretical and methodological perspectives that in recent decades have strengthened an epistemological and applicative reflection in the educational field in the field of relational processes.

Members of the College

PhD students

Announcement, deadlines and documents