High school orientation
School Orientation Booking Form
Higher education institutes that want to undertake an orientation activity with the University, and offer advantages to their students, can have all the information by filling out the following form without obligation
I am planning the school-work alternation
KORE, within the scope of the school-work alternation project, is available to welcome secondary school students to its teaching and research facilities to undertake a short orientation internship.
The school-work alternation aims to provide young people, in addition to basic knowledge, with the skills necessary to enter the job market, alternating hours of study with hours of classroom training and hours spent within companies, to guarantee them experience "in the field" and overcome the "training" gap between the world of work and the academic world in terms of skills and preparation: a disconnect that often characterizes the Italian system and makes it difficult to enter the job market once the study cycle has ended.
The School-Work Alternation is a teaching methodology to offer students the possibility of attending school in a work situation, a real experience of comparison with the world of School with the aim of being able to make the hosted students acquire those additional "transversal skills", so much requested by the world of work, through a specific training path designed and implemented.