Laboratory of Movement and Performance Analysis (LAMP)
The laboratory
The Laboratory of Movement and Performance Analysis (LAMP) is a university structure that aims to support teaching and research activities related to the multifactorial and quantitative analysis of human movement, with reference to the motor-sports field in training and performance contexts. To this end, the laboratory is characterized by an integrated technological equipment, consisting of types of instruments that allow the aforementioned purposes to be pursued both directly in the laboratory and in external contexts (e.g., competition fields, gyms, school facilities).
The Laboratory collaborates with several Italian universities (University of Rome “Foro Italico”, University of Sassari, University of Salerno), with national and regional sports federations and committees (Italian Fencing Federation, Italian Paralympic Committee (CIP) Sicily), with top-notch sports clubs (Orizzonte Catania), and with local structures (ASP 4 of Enna, Ro.Ga., S. Lucia Reception Centre).
The research
The research activities connected with the LAMP concern, primarily, the following topics:
Study, analysis and proposals of innovative methodologies and models for motor assessment and performance analysis, with specific characterizations for the biomechanics of movement and sports performance. Development of low-invasive approaches for motor assessment in the preventive and adapted field. Instrumental product and process assessment approaches for sports events and performances to support the development of data-driven teaching and training models.
The research projects in which the laboratory has been or is involved are:- PRIN 2011 Call – A quantitative and multifactorial approach for the estimation and prevention of the risk of falling in the elderly – Lead University: University of Bologna.

The Laboratory can offer consultancy services to public bodies and institutions and to private individuals operating in the field of physical and sporting activities.
The laboratory hosts internship activities, both internal and external, and theses of students of the degree courses in Motor Sciences and in the PhD courses of the University of Enna "Kore".
Contacts and where we are
Laboratory manager
Francesco Sgro
The laboratory is located on level -1 of the Faculty of Engineering and Architecture of the University of Enna “Kore”, with an entrance adjacent to the “ECO-KORE Wellness” gym and the UKE Pass offices.