Environmental Hydraulics Laboratory (LIA)

The laboratory

The Environmental Hydraulics Laboratory (LIA) has among its main objectives that of providing a valid tool for daily teaching, research and consultancy activities towards third parties, public and private bodies, in the field of Water Engineering: Environmental Hydraulics, Coastal Hydraulics, Hydraulic Constructions and Hydrology. The laboratory uses sophisticated measuring instruments that guarantee the realization of experimental activities and environmental monitoring. The laboratory divides its activities into three main sectors:

  • Computational fluid dynamics.
  • Full head applications.
  • Laboratory experiments.

The research

The lines and research themes of the hydraulic laboratory

  • Hydrodynamic modeling of free-surface currents in natural and/or artificial water bodies;
  • Hydrodynamic modeling of wind-induced turbulent flow fields;
  • Hydrodynamic modeling of turbulent flow fields in complex domains;
  • Study of the effect of wall roughness on turbulent flow fields;
  • Search for leaks in distribution networks;
  • Analysis of unsteady flow processes in water distribution networks;
  • Energy efficiency of water distribution networks;
  • Lagrangian transport of sediments by turbulent flows in complex domains.

The above research activities are developed through 5 main thematic areas of application.



The laboratory offers a series of services available to entities external to the University including:

  • Consulting for administrations in environmental monitoring
  • Consulting to industries, administrations and private bodies in the numerical modeling of water bodies of interest to environmental engineering
  • Consulting in the field of water network management (fire prevention, irrigation, aqueduct networks)

Contacts and where we are


Prof. Eng. Mauro De Marchis


+39 0935536438t


You can find us at the Kore Platform, Science and Technology Center of Santa Panasia, Enna.