Diagnostic and restoration laboratory of architectural and cultural heritage
The laboratory
Restoration is a discipline that sees the 'knowledge construction site' as an essential methodological premise for every design and executive activity. An approach that nowadays requires operators in the sector to have broad and diversified knowledge: from historical research to direct knowledge of the assets, from the application of scientific analysis technologies and advanced modeling and management methodologies to diagnostics to structural and energy models, from evaluation and management issues to anthropological and social ones.
Research on the restoration project and its concrete outcomes in terms of sustainability has broadened the field of interest of the subject both in a territorial and temporal sense. It is therefore not limited to only historical and monumental buildings but extends to the minor building fabric, to the abandoned industrial heritage, to rural architecture, to degraded areas, to works of modern and contemporary architectural creativity, to the cultural landscape, as well as to all those artistic works that are evidence of collective identity and civilization.
In this sense, the Laboratory of Diagnostics and Restoration of Architectural and Cultural Heritage works to support the protection and enhancement activities of the large set of assets belonging to our cultural heritage: a strategic sector in the Italian system and at an international level. In particular, it aims to analyze the metric, static and material consistency of the immovable and movable heritage, to identify the degradation pathologies with the related causes, in order to identify the most correct methodologies and techniques for the conservation intervention, design and verify the compatibility of use, enjoyment and/or safe exposure, propose communication, dissemination and awareness strategies.
The research
The Laboratory of Diagnostics and Restoration of Architectural and Cultural Heritage is a mainly service structure that collaborates with the teaching activities of the Faculty of Engineering and Architecture. Restoration represents, in fact, an essential moment in the current training path of the architect, today in Italy, the only professional figure authorized by law to deal with conservation and restoration interventions, in design, as in the management of works.
It therefore operates as a research and experimental structure with the triple function of:
- support and promote current student training activities (through courses, degree theses and internships);
- support research in the field of conservation through scientific publications, research projects (among others, the PRISMA project, “Interoperable cloud platforms for SMArt-government”, funded by the PON Research and Competitiveness 2007-2013 – Notice no. 84/Ric. of 02/03/2012 – Smart Cities Projects – code PON64a2_A. Beneficiaries: University of Enna “Kore”, INFN – National Institute of Nuclear Physics, University of Bari Aldo Moro, University of Catania, CNR – National Research Council, Advanced Technology Solutions SRL, etc.). Total amount: €27,499,371.00 of which €3,108,527.00 financed by the University of Enna “Kore” and the PON SINAPSIS – SistemaNAzionale Protezione Siti Sensibili Ambit Beni culturali – Tecniche e tecnologie per la tutela, valorizzazione e fruition dei beni culturali (code PON01_01063), financed by the MIUR to the Universities of Enna “Kore”, UNISOB and UNINA and to the companies Westend srl, Teknomar srl, Wind srl, Telematic Solutions, Advanced Technology spa, 2011-2014. Total budget: €4,017,200.00, Budget of the University of Enna “Kore”: €683,200.00), the support activities of the bodies responsible for protection and of the local, regional and national administrations. In this sense, we recall the numerous memoranda of understanding for study and research activities stipulated over the years with: the Diocese of Piazza Armerina (2017-2020), the Italian Association for Industrial Archaeological Heritage (AIPAI-SICILIA) (2017-2020), the Regional Department of Cultural Heritage and Sicilian Identity – Regional Museum Service of the Villa Romana del Casale in Piazza Armerina (2016-2019), the Regional Department of Cultural Heritage and Sicilian Identity – Regional Department of Cultural Heritage and Sicilian Identity – Superintendence of the Sea Service (2015-2016), the Regional Department of Cultural Heritage and Sicilian Identity – Regional Department of Cultural Heritage and Sicilian Identity – Regional Planning and Restoration Center (2015-2018), the Institute for Technologies Applied to Cultural Heritage (ITABC) of the National Research Council (2014-2018), the Superintendency of Cultural Heritage of Enna (2013-2014), etc.
- to provide services on behalf of third parties.
To this end, the Laboratory of Diagnostics and Restoration of Architectural and Cultural Heritage operates in the following 3 research areas:
- Methods and technologies for architectural, urban and landscape recovery and restoration
- development of interdisciplinary study projects and interventions for the conservation, restoration and enhancement of architectural, urban and landscape heritage;
- design and management of restoration and recovery sites;
- study of construction methods and techniques for the conservation of architectural and urban heritage;
- carried out to identify and develop new materials and techniques for interventions on historic buildings and traditional materials;
- study of innovative applications for the revitalization and reuse of abandoned industrial areas and rural areas of high historical, cultural and architectural interest.
- Diagnostics of architectural and artistic assets
- integration with the Survey and Representation Laboratory through advanced laser scanner diagnostic tools and image-based 3D modeling;
- non-contact 3D integrated image acquisition, processing and storage;
- design and implementation, dissemination and communication of digital data (3D databases);
- application of reverse engineering techniques for the creation of solid and virtual models.
- Restoration and planning for the protection of the territory and the safeguard of historical centers
- conservation, management and tourism development programmes for architectural heritage, archaeological sites and landscape;
- assessment of the economic and cultural impacts and their potential for the economic development of the regions.
- FARO Focus3D laser scanner: three-dimensional phase-shift scanner with integrated coaxial high-speed and high-performance camera for detailed measurements and documentation. Range: 120 m, speed 976,000 pt/sec
- CAM2 EDGE 3D Measuring Arm: Laser scanner detection system for non-contact measurements, inspection and reverse engineering equipped with scanning probe and 7-axis arm, complete with acquisition and modelling hardware and software
- FLIR E60bx thermal imaging camera: instrumentation for non-invasive monitoring and measurement of temperature and heat dispersion.
- Extech Multifunction Thermo-Hygrometer: Device for reading ambient temperature and humidity
- CNC milling machine ISEL – Flatcom 40-VH/2: equipment for the creation of plastics and solid models, with numerical control milling technology. Processing dimensions: 120x90x25 cm
- Objet24 3D Printer: equipment for the creation of plastics and solid models, with prototyping technology for the addition of material. Construction dimensions: 24x20x15 cm. Printing resolution 28 microns
- Dell Precision T3500 Desktop Workstation: Data Processing
The LEA Laboratory offers specific services on behalf of third parties (consulting in the field of territorial energy planning, energy production and conversion systems and their impact) and applies the rates approved and published by the Sicilian Region in relation to certification tests. Any percentage reductions in unit prices for individual analyses or services can be applied in relation to the number of tests requested through specific agreements. In the case of tests and/or services not included in the price list, items from a list specifically defined by the Laboratory Manager will be formulated.
- Prof. Antonio Messineo
Professor of Environmental Technical Physics and Head of the Laboratory - Eng. Maurizio Volpe.
Researcher TD of Environmental Technical Physics - Fabio Codignole Light
Research Fellow, Management Engineer, MBA in Business Management
and Doctor of Research in Industrial Engineering. - Anthony Picone
Civil Engineer and PhD student at the LEA Laboratory with focus on
hydrothermal conversion of local residual biomass and study of new
approaches for the reuse of process waste
Prof. Antonio Messineo
+39 0935536448