Teacher's card
A space designed to facilitate access to all the resources and tools useful for your academic a...
A space designed to facilitate access to all the resources and tools useful for your academic activity. Here you can find essential information for managing teaching, research and institutional activities, as well as support for professional development and collaboration with the university and scientific community.
A space designed to facilitate access to all the resources and tools useful for your academic a...
Advanced training programs and master to enhance your professional skills.
All teachers and researchers of UKE University.
Supported by external teachers and professionals, you will be able to integrate your path with...
Access your institutional mailbox to receive and send official communications with students and colleagues.
Easily manage student careers, exams and official records through the dedicated teacher portal.
On February 26, 2021, the Ministry of University and Scientific Research published decree no. 533 announcing the procedure for obtaining the national scientific qualification for the functions of first and second level university professor.
On March 3, 2021, the decree was amended with decree no. 589 for an article regarding publications.