Future students
Letter to parents
Welcome to Kore University of Enna
Choosing a university is an important moment for the whole family.
The advice that usually works is to possibly indulge the will of the children, in order to take more responsibility with respect to a choice imposed instead by others, even if they are the parents.
However, you Parents, know that choosing a Degree Course is not just choosing a Degree Course. Making such a demanding choice means choosing one University over another, a large, small or media city, a lifestyle, one study organization over another.
All universities are different: some may not even have classrooms for all students, others may lack services, others still require attendance at a lesson in one place and the next lesson in another place that may be miles away, some almost never respect the timetables for lessons and exams, and so on.
But not all cities are the same. There are cities that are more exposed to risks, to muggings, to crime in general, and others that instead have very low risk rates.
Even for expenses, one must not only think about university fees, but also about all the costs required to live with dignity as a student in a given urban context, the costs for housing, for travel, for books, for food, for free time.
And, furthermore, it is important to also evaluate what possibilities exist in the different university cities to reach the University headquarters by public transport and, in particular, the headquarters of the specific Faculty that interests us. In some cases, public transport is lacking and it is necessary to resort in combination to urban transport that is not always efficient and not always usable and not always advisable.
Finally, the facilities made available to students must be taken into consideration (quality of classrooms, libraries, internet services, canteens, scientific laboratories, and their accessibility) and, last but not least, the prestige of the academic qualification obtained.
A university that works well and a reassuring environment.
What more could you ask for your children?
When their children choose Kore University of Enna, parents can be more than satisfied, as they can be sure that the students:
- they will find the best services
- will live in efficient structures
- they will have an almost perfect study organization
- they will be able to reach any Faculty by public transport from many locations in Sicily, without having to use any urban transport
- they will benefit from lower costs for daily living or, for the same costs, more modern housing closer to the University
- they will be in one of the safest places in Italy
- they will experience the campus, with a better social life and relationships with teachers on a human scale
- will have incredibly greater study and learning opportunities
- will be able to learn European and Eastern languages for free in one of the most advanced language centres in Italy
- they will find the most modern Library, equipped with all the services, the computer to access internet and the most comfortable and welcoming study rooms
- they will not have to run to find a seat in the classroom and will follow all the lessons in the same Citadel by moving on foot
- will enjoy free access to internet throughout the Citadel
- they will be able to enjoy the sports facilities and public parks, breathing the pure air that can only be found in an area completely free of polluting industrial plants
- they will be able to savour the nobility of a history spanning several thousand years, in one of the most important archaeological basins in the world, with the Roman Villa of Piazza Armerina (a UNESCO heritage site), the Morgantina park and the nearby museum where the statue of the Goddess recently returned from the Paul Getty Museum in Los Angeles is kept, the vast monuments of Enna, Lake Pergusa, where classical mythology placed the abduction of Kore.
The small town dimension that is typical of Enna also makes the place where your children will study and live particularly reliable: Enna is constantly monitored by the police, supermarkets, small shops, post offices, banks with ATMs, essential services, the hospital, churches of various Christian religions are all located a few minutes walk from the University. The University itself has a bank branch dedicated to students and their families.