Enrolled students

Alma Graduation

Letter from the President

Dear student,

in these years you have heard us repeat many times that Kore is your future. Now that you are about to conclude your studies, I am pleased to inform you that the University of Enna will continue to follow you, with the necessary discretion, also in the near future, to help, facilitate or sponsor in every possible way your job placement or your professional progression. It will do so through AlmaLaurea, the national program that deals with systematically verifying the careers of graduates, which the UKE has decided to join. Your data, treated as always with the utmost confidentiality and with the undisputed reliability of AlmaLaurea, will be made available only to the institutions and companies (Italian and foreign) that are looking for your profile. Furthermore, the usability of your qualification will be monitored, also in order to guide the planning of the educational offer of our University and, in general, of the university system.

You will decide whether and how to update your data over time (which we strongly recommend in your interest). Today we only ask you to fill out, with the utmost attention, a questionnaire. You will have to do it before the end of your studies, but the data will be used only after you have obtained the degree. The compilation must be done online: AlmaLaurea will issue you a receipt that you will have to deliver with the essential documentation to access the graduation session.

The use of AlmaLaurea is completely free for you. By registering you will receive a username and password to consult and update the space dedicated to you.

With best wishes for your future outside of Kore

What is AlmaLaurea

AlmaLaurea is a public Interuniversity Consortium, to which your university also belongs, which represents over 75 percent of graduates in Italy. AlmaLaurea ( www.almalaurea.it ) was founded in 1994 as a meeting point between young people, universities and companies, giving itself two important objectives:

  • collect, on behalf of the universities, information and evaluations from graduates in order to know their university path and employment status. The resulting analyses and statistics are public and can guide young people in their university and career choices and direct the Governing Bodies of the Universities in the planning of training activities.
  • make available online the CVs of recent graduates and graduates with several years of work experience. The AlmaLaurea online Database grows on average every year by 150,000 new CVs, translated into English, and is a unique tool of its kind in Italy in terms of size, quality and timeliness. It is a model in Europe, to encourage and democratize the entry of graduates into the world of work and facilitate their career aspirations.

When applying for a degree, the Universities that are members of AlmaLaurea ask their graduates to return, through a questionnaire that guarantees privacy, not only the evaluations of their study path (which the Ministry of Universities requires of universities), but also a series of personal curricular information. The data, aggregated and in anonymous form, are used by the Ministry for the evaluation of the Universities and by AlmaLaurea to carry out surveys on graduates. A part of the documentation then goes to make up the curriculum of the individual graduate, who is inserted into the AlmaLaurea database only with his or her consent.


Through a form, the graduate registers on the ALMALAUREA website, self-certifying his/her personal data and information on the university course attended.

When completing the questionnaire, the graduate will find this data pre-filled on the first page.

Upon registration, the graduate receives from the system the personal credentials (username and password) with which he/she will access the ALMALAUREA electronic questionnaire.

Subsequently, the same credentials can be used by the graduate to keep his/her curriculum vitae updated by inserting the professional and educational experiences acquired after graduation.

The graduate may also request from his/her university the verification and possible correction of the certified administrative data (e.g. degree grade) provided directly by the university at the time of publication.