Alexis Magazine

The magazine

The manifesto of this publication is entirely contained in articles 3 paragraph 1 and 5 paragraph 1 of the Statute of Autonomy of the Kore University of Enna and in the Presentation of the Kore Study Center on Arab Islamic Constitutionalism. As for the title, the reasons for the choice are too many to be able to summarize them and we prefer that they emerge from the development of the publication itself. But some indications must be given. The first is that Tocqueville intuited, in a manner that seems prophetic to us, the essentially critical destiny of the jus publicum europaeum and the need, for the continental intellectual class, to open up to the "other" experiences of organization of the public space, freeing the term "democracy" from the classificatory logic of the forms of government and giving it a very broad and dynamic social and cultural meaning, capable of resisting the inevitable wear and tear of institutional models. The second is that Tocqueville always supported the need for a serious Mediterranean policy on the part of France, or rather of the European powers. He addresses the Algerian question with a political realism that is not without harshness, but at the same time shows an extraordinary cultural openness towards those populations. His confrontation with Islam is not entirely alien to the stereotypes widespread at the time, but is also animated by a deep respect for that tradition and by a surprising ability to penetrate the conceptual roots of Islamic political experience. Finally, we draw attention to the lexical root of the name "Alexis", to its history and to its semantic versatility. Alexis will be published four times a year, one per season. The issue will be kept open until the end of the season and, finally, transformed into a single printable pdf file. The articles are evaluated by the management, with the support of the scientific committee of the SKAI study center. Every two issues, an issue of Cahiers Alexis will be attached, a biannual magazine, which adopts the system of anonymous peer review.

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