Pubblicati gli esiti del seminario “La giornata integrata dei beni comuni nell’area mediterranea” del 25-26/11/2024
Human and social sciences
The degree course prepares for the profession of Social Worker who operates in the organization of personal services, implementing prevention and recovery interventions for individuals, families and groups who find themselves in situations of need and/or hardship. The course of study also provides specific training in the field of criminology and deviant phenomena. To practice the profession of Social Worker, in addition to having a three-year degree, it is necessary to pass the State exam for registration in the professional register.
The social worker can find employment at the Ministry of Justice (courts, penitentiaries, etc.), the Ministry of the Interior (Prefecture, etc.), the Provincial Health Authority (hospital, family counseling center, drug addiction service, rehabilitation, etc.), local authorities (municipalities, provinces, etc.), private social organizations (social cooperatives, communities for minors, the elderly, mentally ill individuals, drug addicts, immigrants, etc.) and the Third Sector (voluntary associations, social cooperatives, etc.).
The social worker can also work as a consultant in judicial structures (honorary judge at the Juvenile Court, honorary counselor of the Juvenile Section of the Courts of Appeal, etc.).
To access the Degree Course, a secondary school diploma or equivalent qualification obtained abroad is required and there are no entrance exams required to access: enrolments will be accepted until the number of available places is filled.
The expected employment and professional opportunities are:
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The internship represents a fundamental and essential element for the acquisition of the contents of the professional discipline, in the constant relationship between theoretical-scientific learning and the elements of knowledge and skills drawn from concrete experience. The internship also represents a training activity aimed at a more effective and positive insertion in the work contexts of the services present in the territory.
The internship is governed by Art. 9 of the Single Regulations of the Course of Study (see “Extract from the Single Regulations”).
The internship includes a total of 18 CFU, equal to 450 hours, distributed between the 2nd and 3rd year and can be divided between internal and external (see “Internal and external CFU distribution table”). At the end of the individual activities/seminars of the internal internship, a paper is required (see “Thesis requirements table”). Once the internal internship is completed – through the seminar activities – the complete list must be communicated to the Secretariat of the Degree Course using the “internal internship summary form”.
Before starting the external internship, it is useful to read the contents of the “External Internship Guide”.
To start the internship (internal and external) it is necessary to have taken and passed the exam of "Principles and foundations of social service" required in the first year of the study plan.
Giglio Martina
Tornatore Adele
L-39 | Gevisa La Rocca | Gabriella Polizzi | Loredana Farina | Bono Alessia, Papa Simona |
The Tutor has an interface role between teachers and students and takes care of, according to the general guidelines of the Dean of the Faculty and the Presidents of the Degree Courses, specific initiatives within the teaching activities of the teaching structures. Therefore, he/she carries out support activities for what concerns the optimization of learning processes: for example, he/she provides students with indications and suggestions concerning, among other things, the organization of study times, learning methodologies, planning of evaluation phases, design and drafting of the degree thesis, use of commonly used and advanced software.
The Degree Course also has tutor teachers: Prof. Tiziana Ramaci, Prof. Giancarlo Minaldi.
Pubblicati gli esiti del seminario “La giornata integrata dei beni comuni nell’area mediterranea” del 25-26/11/2024
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Lunedì, 23 ottobre dalle ore 9.30 alle ore 11.30, presso l ‘Aula 202 del plesso del Rettorato, si terrà il Welcome Back per gli studenti iscritti al secondo e terzo anno del Corso di laurea in Servizio sociale e Scienze criminologiche.
Martedì, 1 ottobre 2024 alle ore 9.30, presso l’ Auditorium Colajanni del plesso del Rettorato, si terrà il Welcome Day per gli studenti neo immatricolati al Corso di laurea in Servizio sociale e Scienze criminologiche. Seguirà alle ore 12.00, il test di verifica delle conoscenze in ingresso. Gli studenti dovranno essere muniti del libretto universitario […]
Pubblicato l’esito del seminario del 22 aprile 2024 “Indagini tecno-scientifiche sulla scena del crimine”
Plesso A - Cittadella universitaria
Prof.ssa Gevisa La Rocca
Dott.ssa Loredana Farina
All days: 09.00 - 12.00
Tue: 15.30 - 17.00
Thu: 15.30 - 17.00