The internship consists of a qualifying activity from a technical and professional point of view, which the student carries out in internal or external structures that have an agreement with the University, with the supervision of a tutor internal to the structure that has an agreement. The aim of the internship activity is to relate the theoretical knowledge acquired during the course of studies with the applicative aspects specifically linked to the professionalism formed during the degree course to begin working alongside professionals who are experts in the sector. Relations with extra-university structures suitable for hosting student interns (companies, public and private bodies, trade associations, voluntary associations, social cooperatives) are regulated by specific agreements. Relations with internal structures of the University are regulated by agreements with the manager of the structure. The agreements and arrangements are stipulated in compliance with the General Regulations for the performance of supplementary teaching activities and the standard agreement scheme approved by the Academic Bodies of the University.
Instructions for the Chair Internship
The Course of Studies Council, in the meeting of June 5, 2023, resolved that the teaching internship can be requested for a maximum number of hours equal to 30% of the internal internship foreseen in the study plan of the individual student. Therefore, those enrolled up to the 2019/2020 academic year (inclusive) can request it for a maximum of 15 hours , while those enrolled in the 2020/2021 or 2021/2022 academic years can request it for a maximum of 8 hours .
Transmission of internship documentation for signature of university tutor – Operating Instructions
In order to optimize the process of analysis of the documentation relating to the internship activity by the University Tutor (one of the Professors Di Corrado and Orofino), students are invited to follow these operational instructions:
1) The Training and Orientation Project (PFO) must be sent to the attention of the University Tutor duly completed in all its parts and in a single file in PDF format, as well as signed by the host structure. Students are invited to pay close attention when filling in the box relating to the “Activities to be carried out”, which must be previously agreed with the Company Tutor and which must concern activities compatible with the training path of the intern.
2) The Declaration of Skills document must be duly filled out by the Company Tutor, as well as signed by the host structure, and sent together with the first page of the logbook from which it will be possible to verify the correspondence of the formal aspects of the document itself. This document must be sent to the same teacher who signed the PFO for the start of the internship