Master Level II



In order to respond to the recent changes in modern psycho-oncology, a
highly specialized training course that is able to provide knowledge of
cutting-edge medical and psychological training lasting one year, aimed at those who are in
possession of a master's degree in Psychology (Class LM-51) and in Medicine and Surgery (Class LM-41).

The training course is structured on a total of 60 CFU distributed by training objective in 1,500 hours of overall commitment, divided as follows:

  • 324 hours of classroom teaching;
  • 576 hours of individual study;
  • 300 hours of internship and placement;
  • 300 hours of final exam (Project Work).

Career opportunities

Hospitals, palliative care centers, hospices, oncology departments; Institutes of
Hospitalization and Scientific Care (IRCCS); Non-profit associations for cancer prevention; Non-profit associations for assistance to cancer patients and their family network; Health research centers; Consulting for support to home and/or residential operators who work with cancer patients; Private activity of psychological support to cancer patients and their families.


Kore University of Enna

Alessia Passes By

Scientific Committee

The Scientific Committee is composed of:

  1. Dr. Sonia Desiree Mazzeppi – ASP CT (President)
  2. Prof. Maria Bellomo – UKE (member)
  3. Prof. Ugo Pace – UKE (Member)
  4. Prof. Roberta Malaguarnera – UKE (Member)
  5. Prof. Adriano Schimmenti – UKE (Member)
  6. Dr. Daniela Bordonaro – ASP CT (Member)

Awarding of the “Marzia Zambito” Scholarship by the “Serena A Palermo” Onlus Association

Application for admission

The application for admission to Master, addressed to the Rector of the University of Enna “Kore”, drawn up exclusively online at the University address web, must be submitted to the University Protocol Office, Via delle Olimpiadi n. 4 – Cittadella Universitaria, 94100 Enna, or sent to the e-mail address, under penalty of exclusion, no later than 1:00 p.m. on 12/31/2023.

The application deadline has been extended to 13:00 on 29/02/2024

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