Master Level II

Management and protection of land and environmental resources


The Master Course is aimed at training professionals with operational capabilities and strong skills, knowledge and abilities in the use of systems to support environmental and land protection, water and air quality controls, sustainable environmental management, remediation and redevelopment of industrial areas. The training offer is interdisciplinary and correlates theoretical aspects with applicative ones, drawn from the specific experiences of the structures involved in the training process.


Kore University of Enna

Francis Castles

Scientific Committee

The Scientific Committee is composed of:

  1. Francesco Castelli – Full Professor of Geotechnics
  2. Gabriele Freni – Full Professor of Hydraulic Constructions
  3. Dario Ticali – Associate Professor of Roads, Railways and Airports
  4. Walter Rizzi – President of the Eni Refinery in Gela
  5. Enrico Francesco Ercole – Head of Human Resources Hub Sicily of Eni
  6. Tiziano Colombo – CEO Eni Corporate University SpA

Announcement and regulations

Application for admission

The application for admission to Master, addressed to the Rector of the University of Enna “Kore”, drawn up exclusively online at the University address web, must be presented or sent to the University Protocol Office, Via delle Olimpiadi n. 4 – Cittadella Universitaria, 94100 Enna.

The deadline for submitting the application for admission has been extended to 11.59pm on 31 January 2025

question online

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