Master Level I

Expert in programming Services to combat educational and juvenile poverty - II Edition


The Master allows the acquisition of specific skills in the implementation of intervention projects on behalf of the region, local authorities or other institutions in regional, national, EU plans or programs or other institutions that manage interventions to prevent and combat poverty affecting the child population. It also allows the acquisition of the most advanced skills developed by social service sciences, in a scientific and professional context, for the development and application of guidelines for specific sectors of interest in the child area.

In consideration of the role played by Sicily in the context of migratory processes, Master provides specific training useful for the training of Course Participants as Tutors for Unaccompanied Foreign Minors, which will be independently recognized for this purpose by the Regional Guarantor for Children and Adolescents.

Career opportunities

The path aims to identify areas of collaboration between the Authority for the Protection of Children and Adolescents of the Sicily Region and Croas Sicilia for the implementation of joint initiatives aimed at:
a) spread the culture of children's and adolescents' rights;
b) jointly support advocacy actions towards the competent institutions on minors' rights aimed at their enforceability;
c) support processes for the promotion of the culture of the rights of minors;
d) develop cultural and training initiatives aimed in particular at professionals, aimed at promoting the rights and duties of all, at supervising and comparing critical issues and good practices related to the care of minors and their families, promoting a constant evaluation process;
e) collaborate on specific issues, such as: issues that violate the rights of minors and services for minors and families;
f) promote study and research initiatives to foster equal opportunities for minors;
g) contribute to the promotion and development of inclusive and supportive communities;
h) promote and support their respective initiatives, when consistent with the purposes of their respective institutional mandates and the memorandum of understanding.

Career opportunities:
The Master allows to enhance both the skills of the Social Worker, in the direction of specific areas of intervention, and to carry out, pursuant to art. 7 paragraph 5 of the Presidential Decree 137/2012, activities accredited for the purposes of the permanent continuous training of social worker professionals of the CROAS, as well as the opportunities for employment in professional areas in which the demand for Experts in the didactic-professional areas of this Master, are consistent.

Lesson Schedule (online)


Kore University of Enna

Severino Sergio


Scientific Committee

The Scientific Committee is composed of:

  • Sergio Severino – Full Professor of SPS/07 (General Sociology) at the University of Enna “Kore”, President;
  • Giuseppe Vecchio – Full Professor of IUS/01 (Private Law) at the University of Enna “Kore”, Guarantor for Childhood and Adolescence of the Sicilian Region, Vice-President;
  • Giuseppe Ciulla – CROAS Sicily, vice-President;
  • Adriano Schimmenti, full professor of M-PSI/07 (Dynamic Psychology) at the University of Enna “Kore”;
  • Ferrari Elisa Rita, professor of SECS-P/07 (Business Economics) at the University of Enna “Kore”;
  • Paola Magnano, full professor of M-PSI/05 (Social Psychology) at the University of Enna “Kore”;
  • Nicola Malizia, professor of SPS/12 (Sociology of Law, Deviance and Social Change) at the University of Enna “Kore”;
  • Giada Cascino, Fixed-term Researcher of SPS/07 (General Sociology) at the University of Enna “Kore”;
  • Roberta Teresa Di Rosa, full professor of SPS/07 (General Sociology) at the University of Palermo;
  • Carlo Colloca, professor of II Fascia of SPS/10 (Sociology of the environment and territory) at the University of Catania;
  • Francesco Martines, full professor of IUS/10 (Administrative Law) at the University of Messina;
  • Maria Storaci, Vice-President of CROAS Sicily;
  • Maria Spoto, President of the Social Workers Foundation of Sicily;
  • Guglielmo Pietro Reale, Director of Service 7 “Fragility and Poverty” Family Department, Sicilian Region;
  • Angela Di Salvo, Treasurer of the Social Workers Foundation of Sicily.

Announcement and regulations

Application for admission

The application for admission to Master, addressed to the Rector of the University of Enna “Kore”, drawn up exclusively online at the University address web, must be submitted

or sent to the University Protocol Office, Via delle Olimpiadi n. 4 – Cittadella Universitaria, 94100 Enna, under penalty of exclusion, no later than 1:00 pm on 6 May 2024.

Question online

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