Gli studenti che seguiranno il corso di latino del II sem. 2024/25 sono pregati di iscriversi al FAD del corso.
Classical, linguistic and educational studies
The three-year degree course in Literature (L-10) offers students two curricula: “Archaeology of the Mediterranean” and “Languages of Contemporaneity”. The first responds to the need to train graduates who possess solid archaeological, philological and historical-artistic knowledge, while the second curriculum is characterized by a more marked openness to contemporaneity and visual culture. The presence of other disciplinary areas allows students to integrate their preparation in significant sectors to further define the cultural profile of the graduate.
Connect to Agenda WEB of the University of Enna “Kore” and view the timetable and classrooms of lessons and exams.
Book a remote appointment with the course secretary. Click here to choose the date and time that is most convenient for you.
Di Majo Giorgia
Virlinzi Grazia
Year | Month | Day | Now |
2025 | January | 23 | 11:00 |
2025 | February | 27 | 11:00 |
2025 | March | 20 | 11:00 |
2025 | April | 10 | 11:00 |
2025 | May | 15 | 11:00 |
2025 | June | 12 | 11:00 |
2025 | July | 17 | 11:00 |
2025 | September | 11 | 11:00 |
Lokaj Rodney John Email
Barresi Paolo Email
Sereni Anna Email
Internship coordinator for the Ancient Cultures curriculum: Prof. Barresi;
Internship coordinator for the curriculum Languages of Contemporary Life: Prof. Ferlita.
Barresi Paolo Email
De Simone Rossana Email
Ferlita Salvatore Email
L-10 | Salvatore Ferlita | Rossana De Simone | Rosa Maria Pistarà | Giuseppe Francesco Bennardo, Gemma Pressimone |
The Tutor has an interface role between teachers and students and takes care of, according to the general guidelines of the Dean of the Faculty and the Presidents of the Degree Courses, specific initiatives within the teaching activities of the teaching structures. Therefore, he/she carries out support activities for what concerns the optimization of learning processes: for example, he/she provides students with indications and suggestions concerning, among other things, the organization of study times, learning methodologies, planning of evaluation phases, design and drafting of the degree thesis, use of commonly used and advanced software.
Gli studenti che seguiranno il corso di latino del II sem. 2024/25 sono pregati di iscriversi al FAD del corso.
Si comunica che è necessario raggiungere la frequenza del 70% delle ore previste per ciascun insegnamento o gruppo disciplinare per la certificazione degli esiti finali
Mi presento: sono Paolo Monella, nuovo docenti di Latino alla Kore
Si avvisano tutti gli studenti iscritti al Corso di Laurea in Lettere che sono stati pubblicati i calendari aggiornati delle lezioni del II semestre e degli esami previsti per la sessione estiva A. A. 2024/2025
Si pubblica il calendario esami sessione estiva – A.A. 2024/2025. Su Agenda WEB, nei prossimi giorni, sarà possibile consultare le date e gli orari.
Plesso D - Cittadella universitaria
Prof. Salvatore Ferlita
Dott.ssa Rosa Maria Pistarà
Mon: 09.00 - 12.00 / 15.30 - 17.00
Tue: 09.00 - 12.00 / 15.30 - 17.00
Wed: 09.00 - 12.00 / 15.30 - 17.00
Thu: 09.00 - 12.00 / 15.30 - 17.00
Fri: 09.00 - 12.00 / 15.30 - 17.00