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Engineering and architecture
The degree course in Aerospace Engineering at the University of Enna is the only one in Sicily and south of Naples. The one at Kore combines typical aerospace training with industrial and highly interdisciplinary skills.
The aim is therefore to train a highly competitive graduate at an international level so as to guarantee him fascinating and motivating work scenarios such as Space Agencies, Aeronautical Industries and Motorsport.
At a national level, the Degree Course is characterized by a training path enriched with teachings related to flight simulation, aerodynamics, design and management of aeronautical infrastructures and aeronautical maintenance processes. With regard to this last sector, the training offer has been adapted and integrated with contents aimed at providing the graduate with the theoretical knowledge necessary to obtain the Aircraft Maintenance License cat. C in compliance with Annex III, called PART 66, to EASA Regulation No 2042/2003.
The educational path benefits from the laboratory facilities of the MARTA Research Center - Mediterranean Aeronautics Research & Training Academy, giving the student the opportunity to combine theoretical classroom training with exclusive practical laboratory activities. The MARTA center, in fact, is the only one in Italy in the University field to have flight simulators used for both teaching and research activities.
The traditional employment opportunities are the aeronautical and space industries, companies specialized in industrial design and production, Formula 1 and in general all motorsport, or in all those sectors where aerodynamics and fluid dynamics in general, lightweight structures and innovative technologies characteristic of aerospace applications are relevant.
Further career opportunities are represented by pilot training companies using flight simulators, airport management companies and aircraft design and maintenance companies;
In the field of air traffic management and control activities, job opportunities can be found within airlines, regulatory, control and certification bodies as well as airport management companies;
As a freelancer, the junior aerospace engineer can operate as an aeronautical consultant or, more generally, as an industrial consultant, or as a mechanical designer.
The certification of the Degree Course to the EASA PART 66 requirements has extended the professional opportunities to all those companies operating in the aeronautical maintenance sector, notoriously characterized by a good job offer. In the maintenance field, the other main job opportunities involve aeronautical maintenance companies, aircraft operators, aeronautical regulatory and control bodies (ENAC).
Finally, continuing studies is one of the options for students graduating from the Aerospace Engineering Degree Course offered by the University of Enna “Kore”.
Connect to Agenda WEB of the University of Enna “Kore” and view the timetable and classrooms of lessons and exams.
AHMAD Hammad
L-9 | Andrea Alaimo | Antanio Esposito | Angelo Faraci | Greta Fabiola Adamo, Antonio Andrea Iacono |
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I nuovi orari relativi al servizio di bus navetta che collega il Terminal Bus Enna Bassa al Polo scientifico e tecnologico di Santa Panasia Di seguito gli orari Orario navetta Kore
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Plesso G - Polo scientifico e tecnologico di Santa Panasia
Prof. Andrea Alaimo
Dott. Angelo Faraci
All days: 09.00 - 12.00
Tue: 15.30 - 17.00
Thu: 15.30 - 17.00