The study plan for obtaining the Master's Degree in Law, provided by the University "Kore", is one of the most innovative at a national level. In addition to the study of the traditional basic and characterizing legal subjects - essential for the training of the modern European jurist - the economic-business profile of the curriculum has been implemented, with a view to a more complete training offer and attentive to the skills most in demand by the current job market. This implementation is the consequence of a significant renewal of the Course, now characterized by a more flexible teaching system and distinguished by a greater number of free training credits, with new subjects and specialist-professional skills.
The traditional - but innovative - teaching framework is accompanied, in the fifth and final year of the Course, by the provision of numerous contextual training activities of a highly professionalizing nature: among these - according to the model, typical of Law Schools, of the so-called "learning by doing" - the Legal Clinic in "Protection of vulnerable subjects and management of family conflicts", the advanced course in "Criminology" and that in "Theory and technique of legal argumentation"; as well as the Professional Internships and Stages to be carried out at the numerous Institutions, Bodies, Professional Orders, Companies and Trade Associations - territorial representatives of the labor market - affiliated with the Degree Course.
The post-lauream training also includes – as a natural continuation of legal studies – the possibility of enrolling in the “Specialization School for Legal Professions of Central Sicily”, whose final qualification is recognized – at ministerial level – for participation in competitions for the Judiciary and Notary professions, as well as in the qualification exams for the Bar. The lessons of the School are held by professionals from the area included in the district of the Court of Appeal of Caltanissetta (Lawyers, Magistrates, Notaries and Experts in legal and economic matters) where it is also possible to carry out Internship activities, alongside the Magistrates in service in the Judicial Offices of Caltanissetta, Enna, Gela and Caltagirone.
Another post-lauream training tool is the Doctorate of Research in Economic, Business and Legal Sciences which ensures – also through the financing of scholarships – the further scientific enrichment of the graduate's legal-economic curriculum, constituting a prestigious academic qualification, also relevant for the purposes of participation in competitions at the National and European Public Administration.
All training and entry activities into the world of legal professions are carried out in collaboration with the Professional Orders and the Forensic Schools of the Central Sicily area. The study plan of the Degree Course is also linked to the teaching plans for the TFA and the PAS, teaching class A-019 (legal and economic disciplines), of which the University "Kore" is the headquarters, according to ministerial accreditation.
There is no admission or pre-selection test required for enrollment in the Degree Course.