XL Cycle

Teaching and Learning Sciences: Inclusion, Technologies, Educational Research and Evaluation


National Coordinator

Maurizio Sibilio
Full Professor of Didactics and Special Pedagogy (SSD PAED–02/A) - University of Salerno


National College
  • Marinella Muscarà
    Full Professor of Didactics and Special Pedagogy (M-PED/03) - Faculty of Classical, Linguistic and Educational Studies;
  • Monica Pellerone
    Associate Professor of Developmental and Educational Psychology (M-PSI/04) - Faculty of Human and Social Sciences;
  • Alessandra Lo Piccolo
    Professor of Didactics and Special Pedagogy (M-PED/03) - Faculty of Classical, Linguistic and Educational Studies;
  • Viviana La Rosa
    Full Professor of General and Social Pedagogy (M-PED/01) - Faculty of Classical, Linguistic and Educational Studies;
  • Salvatore Ferlita
    Full Professor of Contemporary Italian Literature (M- FIL/14) - Faculty of Classical, Linguistic and Educational Studies;
  • Ugo Pace
    Full Professor of Developmental and Educational Psychology (M-PSI/04) - Faculty of Human and Social Sciences.


Scientific area

Kore University of Enna is a member of the National Consortium of Italian state, non-state and online universities to which the National Doctorate in TEACHING & LEARNING SCIENCES: Inclusion, Technologies, Educational Research and Evaluation, XL cycle – established in the current academic year, with administrative headquarters at the University of Macerata, belongs.

The Doctorate of National Interest in Teaching & Learning Sciences: Inclusion, Technologies, Educational Research and Evaluation, with administrative headquarters at the University of Macerata, has as its main objective the training of researchers, male and female researchers, professionals, capable of mastering educational and pedagogical sciences, analyzing the issues of empirical and experimental educational research, didactic design, evaluation, inclusion and use of technologies in an interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary perspective, in order to contribute to greater effectiveness and inclusiveness of training and professional development systems and contribute to faculty development. The doctorate aims to represent a national and international point of reference in this field of studies, which integrates training and research in school and socio-educational environments and in university contexts, through a network of laboratories and research centers made available by Italian and/or foreign universities and other national institutions adhering to the initiative.
The doctoral program in Teaching & Learning Sciences: Inclusion, Technologies, Educational Research and Evaluation aims to train the next generation of professionals, professionals, experts in the field of educational research, inclusion teaching, educational technologies, docimology and evaluation, the meeting and interaction between general teaching and disciplinary teaching (both for the humanities and for the STEM disciplinary area), faculty development and teacher training. This purpose, in accordance with the evolution of the regulatory framework following the application of Law no. 79 of 2022 and consistently with the purposes of the PNRR in the field of training and recruitment of teaching staff (Mission 4, investment area 2.1), aims to acquire useful skills to improve the quality of the teaching-learning process in different educational-formative-didactic contexts.

Deadline for submission of applications:
To be announced

Places of the Doctoral Course promoted by the University of Enna "Kore"

Info and insights

For further information visit the website