HEALTHMED - Innovation in Medical Education Digital transition sustainable development and Health Environment
The Project
Innovation in Medical Education Digital transition sustainable development and Health Environment, promoted by a partnership composed of four universities located in two regions of Southern Italy (Sicily and Calabria) and four university institutions situated in strategically important areas of the African continent (Tunisia and Marocco) and the Balkan Peninsula (Serbia), aims to create a space for high education and higher instruction. This will be achieved through the development of professionalizing academic training offerings, jòìnt educational programs, and advanced training and research projects, fostering a process of extra-European integration with a long-term structural, sustainable, and systemic cooperation in the fields of education, research, and innovation at a transborder level. This objective will be realized through the inìtiation of intercultural exchanges and a program of physical virtual mobility for students, Ph.D. candidates, researchers, and educators. Additionally, it will involve initiatives for advanced second level training to support innovation and competitiveness by enhancing existing educational systems and experimenting with innovative training methodologies capable of addressing societal challenges in an innovative and multidisciplinary manner. The proposed model of higher education is based on the importance of an economy that combines growth and sustainability through the development of a broad spectrum of knowledge in the fields of science and technology. It also involves the transfer of experimental deep tech and technology-driven training practices into clinical and healthcare engineering practices.