Work Package

Sharing objectives, strategies and methodologies to improve the quality of higher education and promote the internationalization of the three target higher education institutions in Palestine.

  • T1.1 Creation of the Project Management Units and follow-up
  • During the 1st months the management structure of the project will be created with the identification of the specific work unit.
  • Local units will be established in each country, composed by a project referent and a financial officer and three technical units will be created to support the project implementation.
  • The coordinator will organize in Enna, Italy, an international conference (both on-line and in presence) to launch the project.
  • T1.1 Creation of the Project Management Units and follow-up
  • During the 1st months the management structure of the project will be created with the identification of the specific work unit.
  • Local units will be established in each country, composed by a project referent and a financial officer and three technical units will be created to support the project implementation.
  • The coordinator will organize in Enna, Italy, an international conference (both on-line and in presence) to launch the project.
  • T.1.3 Formulation of the quarterly action plans.
  • These plans integrate the contents of the General Action Plan with the Communication, Visibility and Dissemination Plan and Monitoring and Evaluation plan.
  • T.1.4 Set up of the monitoring and evaluation tools
  • The M&E plan will include: a set of product, result and impact indicators.
  • Monitoring activities will be conducted periodically (every quarter) and intermediate and final evaluation sessions will be organized.
  • The M&E Officer will also verify the application of gender mainstreaming in the whole action.
Work Package Number
Work Package Name
Lead Beneficiary
Start month
End month
Project management and coordination
1 – UKE